Buf. 31st.
Friend Bliss—
Oh, I didn’t mean to attribute selfish motives to you. I did ask you for an honest opinion, & got it, & was perfectly satisfied with it & cheerfully acted upon it. Since which the subject hasn’t entered my mind once, but was dropped, & [permanently.] All I wanted to know [was,] whether to do or not do the thing I had in mind1 —it didn’t cost a pang to give it up.
Say, for [instance]—I have a brother [about ]45—an old & able writer & editor. He is night editor of the Daily St Louis Democrat, & is [gradually ]putting his eyes out at it. He has [served ]four years as Secretary of State of Nevada, [having ]been appointed to the place by Mr. [Lincoln—]he had all the financial affairs of the Territory in his hands during that time & came out with the name of an able, honest & every way competent officer. He is well read in law, & I think understands book-keeping. He is a very valuable man for any sort of office work, but not worth a cent outside as a business man. Now I would like to get him out of night-work but haven’t any other sort to offer him myself. Have you got a place for him at $100 or $150 a month, in your em office? Or has your brother?2 Let me hear from you shortly, & do try & see if you can’t give him such a place.
I am very sorry to hear of your sickness, indeed, but am always expecting it, you work & drive & hurry so.
When is your paper coming out? Did you ever receive the article I sent you for it from Fredonia? Tell me.3
[letter docketed:] Mark Twain | Oct 31/70 | Author
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 218–219; Christie 1981, lot 54, excerpt; Neville, item 450, excerpt.
Provenance:The present location of the MS, sold by Christie and then by Neville in 1981,
is not known.
Emendations and textual notes:
permanently. • permanen[tly.] [taped over]
was, • wa[s,] [taped over]
instance • instanc[e] [taped over]
about • abou[t] [taped over]
gradually • gradu[-] |ally [taped over]
served • serve[d] [taped over]
having • hav[-] |ing [taped over]
Lincoln— • Lincoln—|—
Yrs • [‘rs’ conflated]