Buf. Oct. 13.1
Friend Bliss:
I have a notion to let the Galaxy publishers2 have a volume of old sketches for a “Mark Twain’s Annual—1871”—provided they will pay me about 25 per cent. That is [what ] they offered once, I believe. My idea is to use in this, among other things, some few sketches which will not “keep” I believe a Christmas volume will out-pay Josh Billings’ Allminax.3 What do you think? Write me at once—& don’t discourage me.4
Did that scalawag of a boy of yours trot through here the other day? We found a card of the firm, with his name underscored, & guessed he had stopped at the office. However, he we were at Fredonia, N. Y., all the week & so if he was here we couldn’t have seen him. I never once thought of Frank’s being absurd enough to take upon himself one of those ghastly tortures called a “bridal trip,” else we would have grieved to think we couldn’t entertain the couple a few days5—for the young lady was very low then & we couldn’t have made room—(she died on the 29th in our bedroom—perhaps I wrote you.)
I am driveling along tolerably fairly on the book—getting off from 12 to 20 [ M ] pages (MS.) a day. I am writing it so carefully that I’ll never have to alter a sentence, I guess, but it is very slow work. I like it well, as far as I have got. The [ pep people ] will read it.
Yrs in haste.
[letter docketed:] [and] Mark Twain | Oct 13/70. | Author
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 209–210; MTB, 1:422, brief excerpt; AAA/Anderson 1934, lot 123, excerpts; AAA/Anderson 1936, lot 122, excerpts; MTMF, 139 n. 2, brief excerpt; MTLP, 40–41.
Provenance:The MS evidently remained among the American Publishing Company’s
files until it was sold (and was copied, possibly at that time, by Dana
Ayer, though the present location of his transcription is not known; see
Brownell Collection in Description of Provenance). The MS was sold again in
1934 and in 1936. On 11 April 1939 it was signed and dated by Josiah H.
Emendations and textual notes:
What • What | What [corrected miswriting]
M • [partly formed]
pep people • pepople