Buf. 9th.
My Dear Bro—
O here! I don’t want to be consulted at all about Tenn. I don’t want it even mentioned to [me. When ]I make a suggestion it is for you to act upon it or throw it aside, but I beseech you never to ask my advice, opinion or consent about that hated property. My If it was because I felt the slightest personal interest in the infernal land that I ever made a suggestion, the suggestion would never be made.
Do exactly as you please with the land—always remembering this: that so trivial a percentage as ten per cent will never sell it. It is only a bid for a somnambulist.
I have no time to turn round. A young lady visitor (schoolmate of Livy’s) is dying in the house of typhoid fever (parents are in South Carolina) & the premises are full of nurses & doctors & we are all fagged out.1
Yrs E
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 193; MTL, 1:176–77.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
me. When • me.—|When