‸P. S. Got your letter, sweetheart—thank you.‸
11.15 PM, July 6.1
Livy my darling, I have put in a tremendous day’s work. Got up at 6—shaved & breakfasted & cleared out on business. Went to several places. Finally, at 9, got a carriage & took Mr. Stewart to the Senate. Then hunted up Smith of Tennessee & told him to get Brownlow to address a note to Colfax asking him to take the bill out of its order. Smith was full of the idea. Then I called on Colfax. He said it was so late in the session that nothing on earth could save the bill but an a favorable report from the Judiciary Committee. Then I ‸“went for” the members of that Committee once more—did all I could in that direction.‸ 2 Then I got afraid that Mr. Smith was sleepy & slow—& so, concluding & just then I heard that parson Brownlow’s son was here taking care of his dying invalid [father.
I ]knew him personally away out in the Mountains—“w called on him—he was out; went & got the Postmaster of the Senate to call on the senior—the senior was too sick to be seen. I then laid a proper train for fixing the thing subsequently, & left. I went all through the Gov’t printing office with old Clapp & then went to meet one of 3 [ 5 ] five invitations to dine—throwing off & atrociously discarding old friends in order to dine with your old friend, Sunset Cox.3
And presently Mr. Stewart came in & said his Committee (the Judicaiary) had reported favorably on our bill!!!
My stars, yesterday our Tennesseaeans hadn’t any idea such a thing (thing (they could be accomplished (they been working for it for weeks—even months, maybe.) Stewart said I was the only man he knew of who could have got that stubbo committee to change its ancient [policy ] & report that bill favorably.
Well I felt so comfortable over this big success that I had half a notion to clear out home & [ lef ]leave the passage of the bill to Lewis,4 Smith & the others—but when I came to think how worse inefficient they have been so far, I guessed it would be safest to stay here a day or two & try to get the thing on its final passage.
Livy darling, it is almost foolishness to hope to get it through both houses before the adjournment5—it is foolish to hope it—but then I do so hate to give a thing up after starting in. It seems like my courting days over again, & I feel as if I want to go & tackle that whole Congress & [mak ] & hang to them till they say yes. Just as you , did, little sweetheart.
I have the advantage of obscure lobbyists, because I can get any man’s ear for a few moments, & also his polite attention & respectful hearing. The most of them—all of them, in fact—tacitly acknowledge an indebtedness to me for wisdom supplied to them by my pen, & it is a very influential point in one’s favor, don’t you see?
Dined from 6 to [8.30. Called on ]the [Fitch’s ]from 8.30 to [9.30.6 Then ] went to see [Mr. ] & Mrs. Bennett & played euchre till 11.7
I am tired, my own [darling. Good ] night precious sweetheart.
Mrs. Samℓ. L. Clemens | Elmira | N. Y. [return address:] return to j. langdon, elmira, n. y. if not delivered within 10 days. [postmarked:] washington d.c. jul 7
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 164–166; LLMT, 361, brief paraphrase.
Provenance:see Samossoud Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
father. | [¶] I • father.—| [¶] I
5 • [partly formed]
policy • pol | policy [written off edge]
lef • [‘f’ partly formed]
mak • [‘k’ partly formed]
8.30. Called on • 8.30.—Called | on
Fitch’s • [sic]
9.30. Then • 9.30.— | Then
Mr. • [‘Mr’ conflated]
darling. Good • darling.—|Good