j. langdon, miner & dealer in anthracite &
bituminous coaloffice no. 6 baldwin street
elmira, n.y. May 7 186 70
Friend Bliss—
I have just been stricken with an idea, in the shape of a scheme to secure a wide-spread advertisement. Whenever our sales reach 100,000,—no matter when that may be—you have tho or the Directors call me to Hartford to an oyster supper in celebration of the event—the city Hartford editors to be present1—& I will either come there & make a speech that will travel well in the papers, or I will send one to be read there that will travel. Of course, if you speak of this, If you can think of something simpler & just as effectual, let’s have it—for suppers are sometimes a nuisance, & besides, the object of this one might be too glaringly apparent. [Set ] your invention to work.
I calcu
I sent you dispatch yesterday to acknowledge rec’pt of your check for $3,914.62, & also to express my eminent satisfaction at the way the book is selling.2
Mr. Langdon has been dangerously ill for some days, & it is plain that he cannot travel a mile this year. So we shall not move out of reach of sudden call. That closes out all notion of crossing the ocean—though we expect to go [ th to ]the Adirondacks with the Twichells.
Yrs Ever
[letter docketed:] Mark Twain | May 7/70 [and in pencil:] July 20/69 393 copies rec’d from bindery3
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Bliss enclosed a statement, dated 1 May, of third quarter (1 Feb–30 Apr) sales of The
Innocents Abroad. Clemens’s royalty on 21,378 copies came to $3,925.90, from which Bliss deducted
$11.25 for “7 books shipped to parties by order ‸& express chgs‸.” Innocents had sold a total of 60,378 copies, with total royalties amounting to about $11,300 (22 Jan 70 to Bliss, n. 6; 28 Jan 70 to Bliss, n. 5). Once Clemens realized that sales would not “reach
100,000” for some time, he modified his “oyster supper” scheme (30 May 70, 18 July 70, 21? Sept 70,
all to Bliss).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 126–28; MTLP, 34–35.
Provenance:See Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
Set • [possibly ‘Selt’]
th to • tho [‘h’ partly formed]