Chas F. Wingate Esq
Buffalo, Mch. 31.
Dear Sir:1
I am grateful always for sincere & volunt‸ary‸ eer expressions of satisfaction with [the book], & therefore I am grateful for the pr knowledge that you & yours have derived pleasure from reading it. Mrs. Browning knew right well that one such note of private & voluntary commendation [ g ] is able to give an author more comfort than the patronizing [ crit ] speeches toleration, imbecile criticism toleration and awkward English of forty Nation critiques can take away.2
In return for the Nation notice (which I had not seen,) I enclose a notice written by the traveled & scholarly David Gray, of the Buffalo Courier. It is at least good English—a merit which the Nation notice lacks.3
Yrs Truly
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
It might better have been a thinner book, for there
is some dead wood in it, as there has to be in all books which are
sold by book-agents and are not to be bought in stores. The
rural-district reader likes to see that he has got his
money’s worth even more than he likes wood-engravings. At
least, such is the faith in Hartford; and no man ever saw a
book-agent with a small volume in his hand. (Nation 9:194–95; reprinted in Anderson and
Sanderson, 21–22) Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s observations on
“private & voluntary commendation” have
not been identified.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 102–103.
Provenance:R. R. Bowker Collection.
Emendations and textual notes:
the book • the th book | book [‘book’ rewritten for clarity]
g • [partly formed]
crit • crit‐ |
200 210 • 2010
31 30th • 310th