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Add to My Citations To Hattie Booth
18 March 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS: CtHSD, UCCL 00445)
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figure llc

Buffalo, Mch. 18.

Miss Hattie Booth—

I do it cheerfully, Mi for I am glad enough to k find that I can still “bring tears to eyes unused to weep.”1 I had thought it was one of my Lost Arts. I used to do that thing right handy, with boys under my size.

Yrs Truly

Mark Twain and Saml. L. Clemens.

Explanatory Notes

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1 The request from Booth (who remains unidentified) was presumably for an autograph and probably included this phrase. No other source for it has been found. The monogram on this letter signified “Livy L. Clemens.”

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MS, Katherine Seymour Day Collection, Harriet Beecher Stowe Center, Hartford (CtHSD).

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