Buf, Mch 3.
Friend Bliss—
Won’t you send a free copy to an old preacher-friend of my boyhood: ‸Rev.‸ L. F. Walden,1 Rolla, Mo.? {He hasn’t got a cent.}
And one also to George Routledge & Sons, 416 Broome street, N. Y.
I wrote them to know if it would pay me to go in over the Niagara river & get a British copyright, & you see what he says.2
Say—When [any ] of your family come to Buffalo, we want you to put up at 472 Delaware street if you like the accommodations—will you? We have the honor to refer to Rev. J. H. Twichell & wife, J. Langdon & wife, Mrs. A W. Fairbanks, & others. This house has been recently refitted & furnished entirely new, & supplied with all the modern improvements, & is kept wholly on the European plan. {That is to say, we get up & take breakfast when we want to,—not when we have [to.} We ]hope to merit a share of the public patronage—that is, such share of it as we officially invite. Oh, but don’t we put on airs? I reckon not!
Yrs Truly
[letter docketed:] author [and] Mark Twain | March 3/70
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 84–85; MTMF, 126–27, excerpt.
Provenance:see Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
any • [‘ny’ conflated]
to.} We • to.}—|We