Buffalo, 20th.
Friend Benton—
No, I write European Letters occasionally for the [Express ], & they are all we need.1
I will do my best to remember to put the “Times” on the X list,2 but as I don’t go to the office once a week it will simply be a marvel if I don’t forget it. But if you had dropped a line to the “Publishers” it would have been all right—savez? I’ll tie a string round my finger, though, & I’ll determine to recollect—& so I think I can safely say that I will remember to fix that thing, sure.
We are about as happy in our Aladdin’s Palace (I think it is a little more tasteful & exquisite in all its appointments than most palaces are,) as if we were roosting in the closing chapter of a popular novel.3
Pray remember me kindly to our delightful friends the [Payne’s],4 & we shall be glad at any time to see you & them at 472 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo.
Yrs Sincerely
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 73–74.
Provenance:purchased in 1922 from Caroline B. Peters of Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Emendations and textual notes:
Express • E Express [corrected miswriting]
Payne’s • [sic]