office “express” printing co.
buffalo, Feb 8 1870.1 dear sir: in answer i am obliged to say that it will not be possible for me to accept your kind invitation. i shall not be able to lecture again during the present season. thanking you kindly for the compliment of your invitation, i am yours truly, sam’l l. clemens.
agents: boston lyceum bureau, 20 bromfield street, boston. |
P. S. You must write the “Express” folks about the change of the Weekly—I never go near the office.2
Don’t know what No. of the Broadway that article was in.3
Am just married, & don’t take an interest in anything out of doors.
Give my love to Frank first time you see him or write him.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 64–65; Dawson’s Book Shop 1942, 48, excerpt; a transcription of the form letter, dated 1 Mar 70, was
published in Will M. Clemens 1900, 27.
Provenance:donated to CtY in 1942 by Walter F. Frear.