Elmira, Jan. 28.
Friend Bliss—
I want you to do just as a you please with that Evans. I wash my hands of him. I guess he is just as likely to be a “beat” as anything else—though fools are so cheap & so plenty that I had placed him in that catalogue, for charity’s sake.1
I re-enclose the Express letter, as you desire. I only meant you to correspond with our people about it. I never bother or meddle with the concern’s business matters—& ought to have told them to write you, & not shove it off on to my shoulders. I don’t care two cents about the concern’s business. And what I want you there for, is because I want a man who can run the business department without boring anybody else with it.2 I hate business.
Yes, I am satisfied with the way you are running the book. You are running it in staving, tip-top, first-class style. I never wander into u any corner of the country but I find that [any ] agent has been there before me, & many of that community have read the book. And on an average about ten people a day come & hunt me up to thank me & tell me I’m a benefactor!! I guess that is a part of the programme we didn’t expect, in the first place.
Indeed I don’t want to bother with booksellers or anybody else. That chap in Buffalo wanted me to speak a word to you for him, & I said I was too lazy—& if he would make Larned3 write the letter, I would [endorse, w ] it, whether it were true or false. And I did. But when I saw a great stack of “Innocents” in his bookstore, next d an hour or so afterward, I was rather sorry I did.4
January & Dec. have November didn’t pan out as well as December—for you remember you had sold 12,000 copies in December when Twichell & I were there on the 27th or 28th. But $4,000 is pretty gorgeous. One don’t pick that up often, with a book. It is the next best thing to lecturing.5
I think you are rushing this book in a manner to be proud of; & you will make the finest success of it that has ever been made with a subscription book, I believe. What with advertising, establishing agencies, &c., you have got an enormous lot of machinery to under way & hard at work in a wonderfully short [ p ] space of time. It is easy to see, when one travels around, that one must be endowed with a deal of [genuine generalship ] in order to maneuvre a volume publication whose line of battle stretches from end to end of a great continent, & whose foragers & [ sh skirmishers ] invest every hamlet & [ bel besiege ] every village hidden away in all the vast space between.
I’ll back you against any publisher in America, Bliss—or elsewhere.
Yrs as Ever
[letter docketed:] [and] Mark Twain | Jany 28/70 [and] Mark Twain | Jany 28/70
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 40–42; MTB, 1:426, excerpt; MTL, 1:169, with omissions; Hill, 191, excerpt; MTLP, 30–32.
Provenance:see Mendoza Collection in Description of Provenance. A Brownell typescript of
this letter is at WU (Brownell Collection, Description of Provenance).
Emendations and textual notes:
any • [‘y’ partly formed; possibly ‘n’]
endorse, w • [deletion of comma implied; ‘w’ partly formed]
p • [partly formed]
genuine generalship • genuine genueralship
sh skirmishers • shkirmishers
bel besiege • belsiege