Boston, Sunday M.
Livy darling, I thank dear Mrs Susie very much for helping to get you ready to come to me. Anybody that helps in that is my good friend, & I in turn his humble servant. The day approaches, old fellow! Only nine weeks, & then—! Hurrah! Speed the day!
You are with Mrs. Brooks today, I suppose, & consequently happy. Tomorrow morning I shall telegraph her to know where you will be on Wednesday. If at her house, I shall stop at the Everett (or maybe at the Albemarle,) & run up & see you till noon, & then bid you good-bye until next day, for you would all be in bed by the time I got back from Brooklyn. But if you are at the St. Nicholas I shall stop there till 2 PM., & then you shall sit up & wait till I return from Brooklyn.1
Tomorrow evening at 6.30 I must run out to Newtonville, half an hour’s journey by rail, & lecture, returning here at 10 P.M.2 [ Tus Tuesday ]I shall run down to Thompsonville & talk till half past 8, & then trot along about an hour half an hour & sit up with Twichell at Hartford till after midnight, & then take a sleeping car for New York, arriving at 5 o’clock Wednesday morning.
This is your [birthday ]darling, & you are 24.3 May you treble your age, in happiness & peace, & I be with you to love you & cherish you all the long procession of years! I have kept this day & honored this anniversary alone, in solitary state—the anniversary of an event which was happening when I was a giddy school-boy a thousand miles away, & played heedlessly all that day & slept heedlessly all that night unconscious that it was the mightiest day that had ever s winged its viewless hours over my head—unconscious that on that day, two journeys were begun, wide as the poles apart, two paths marked out, which, wandering & wandering, now far & now near, were still narrowing, always narrowing toward one point & one blessed consummation, & these the goal of twenty-four years’ marching!—unconscious I was, in that day of my heedless boyhood, that an event had just transpired, so tremendous that without it all my future life had been a sullen pilgrimage, but with it a that same future was saved!—a sun had just peered above the horizon which should rise & shine out of the zenith upon those coming years & fill them with light & warmth, with peace & blessedness., for all time.
I have kept the day alone, my darling—we will keep it together hereafter, God willing. My own birthday’s comes Tuesday, & I must keep that alone also, but it don’t matter—I have had considerable experience in that.
Th Twichell gave me one of Kingsley’s most tiresomest books—“Hypatia”—& I have tried to read it & can’t. I’ll try no more. But he recommended Chas. Reade’s “Hearth & Cloister” & I bought it & am enchanted. You shall have it if you have not read it.4 I read with a pencil by me, sweetheart, but the book is so uniformly good that I find nothing to mark. I simply have the inclination to scribble “I love you, Livy” in the margin, & keep on writing & re-writing “I love you Livy—I love my Livy—I worship my darling”—& bless your dear heart I do love you, love you, love you, Livy darling, Livy mine—but it won’t do to write it in books where unsanctified eyes may profane it—& so, you see, sweetheart, there is nothing to mark.
Livy my precious sweetheart, I have received all your letters & my uneasiness is gone—got 4 in one day, & what a blessed feast it was! I was glad that it had happened so, since it brought so ample a pleasure.
I remember Miss Bateman—she was a gentle-looking little school girl of 12 or 13 when I used to see her in her front yard playing, every day.5
And now, if my child is [ tr tired ]reading this—which I am proud to say I don’t believe she is,—I will write some other letters. Thank goodness I shall kiss you, Wednesday, right on your blessed little mouth. And so good-bye, my own loved & honored Livy.
Miss Olivia L. Langdon | 675 Fifth avenue | New York. [postmarked:] [boston ]mass. nov. 29. 5 a.m. [docketed by OLL:] 150th
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 412–414; MFMT, 18–19, excerpt; LLMT, 125–27.
Provenance:see Samossoud Collection, p. 586.
Emendations and textual notes:
Tus Tuesday • Tusesday
birthday • birth-|day
tr tired • trired
boston • b [n] [badly inked]