morning express $10 per of the express printing company
express $8 per 14 east swan
weekly express $1.50 per annum.
buffalo, Sept 2 186 9.
Friend Bliss—
Have you an agent here?
I We are going to get out a supplement, (with perhaps a little reading matter in it,) containing “Notices of the Press” on my [accepssion] ‸to the‸ [ ‸editorship‸. Would] it be a good idea for you to send me a lot of ‸newspaper‸ notices of the book to add [afterwa ] them, with the card of the publishing house attached? We could circulate several thousand, & we could send you a lot to Hartford to be distributed through your agents & agencies. [ It Is] the idea good? Is it worth the trouble? How many could you use? What do you think of it, anyhow?1
I wish you would send me a copy of the book—never have had a good chance to look at it yet. I suppose it would not be wo good policy to send the Buffalo papers copies until an agent is here ready to take advantage of the notices.
I enclose a letter from Packard, of the Monthly—I thought maybe you might be able to use a paragraph—but as it is a private letter do not do more than hint at him—don’t use his name.2
Hurry & send that complimentary book to Dan Slote, 121 William street. Don’t delay.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 327–328.
Provenance:see Tufts Collection, pp. 587–88.
Emendations and textual notes:
accepssion • [‘p’ partly formed]
‸editorship‸. Would • ‸editorship‸.— |Would
afterwa • after- | wa
It Is • Its
Mark ... 69 • [ink scraped away by unidentified owner or curator of the MS]