27 February 1869 • Lockport, N.Y.
(MS, damage emended: NPV, UCCL 00262)
Lockport, N. Y., Feb. 27.
Dear Folks—
I enclose $20 for Ma (No. 10,.) I thought I was getting a little ahead of her little assessment of $35 a month, [but find ] I am falling [behindhand instead ], & have let [her go without ] money.1 Well, I [did not mean ] to do it. But you [see when ] people have been [getting ready ] for months, in a [quiet way to ] get married, they are bound to grow stingy, & go to saving up money against the awful day when it is sure to be needed. I am particularly anxious to place myself in a [position ] where I can carry on my married life in good shape on my own hook, because I have paddled my own canoe so long that I could not be satisfied, now, to let anybody help me—& my proposed father-in-law is naturally so liberal that it would be just like him to want to give us a start in life. But I don’t want it that way. I can start myself. I don’t want any help. I can run the institution without any outside assistance; & I shall have a wife who will stand by me like a [soldier ] through thick & thin, & never complain. She is only a little body, but she hasn’t her peer in Christendom. I gave her only a plain gold engagement ring, when fashion imperatively demands a two- hundred dollar diamond one—& told her it was typical of her future lot—namely, that she would have to flourish on substantials rather than luxuries. {But you see I know the girl—she don’t care anything about luxuries, for ‸and‸ although she has a respectable fortune in jewels, she wears none of any consequence. One seldom sees a diamond about her.} She is a splendid girl. She spends no money but her usual year’s allowance, & she spends nearly every cent of that on other people. She will be a good [sensible ] little wife, without any airs about her. I don’t make intercession for her beforehand & ask you to love her, for there isn’t any use in that—you couldn’t help it if you were to [try. In ] fact, you had better, in self-defence, take warning by Mrs. Brooks & all of Livy’s other friends, & try to learn to hate her—for I warn you that whosoever comes within the fatal influence of her beautiful nature is her willing slave forevermore. I take my affidavit on that statement. Her father & mother & brother [embrace ] her & kiss her & [pet her ] constantly, precisely as if [she ] were a [ sweetheart, instead of ] a blood relation. She [has unlimited ] power over her [father, ] & yet she never uses it [except ] to make him help people [who ] stand in need of help, & [lavishes ]
[seven lines (about 40 words) missing] 2
But if I get fairly [started ] on the subject of my bride, I never shall get through—& so I will [quit ] right here. I went to Elmira a little over a week ago, & staid four days & then had to go to New York on business. [Now Lockport wants a ] lecture—[shall talk to-night & ] Monday night,3 [& then I shall go ] to Hartford, [avoiding New ] York city if [possible so as to ] save time. I will
[thirteen lines (about 75 words) missing 4]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 120–122; MTB, 1:378–79, MTL, 156–57, with omissions; MTMF, 101, brief quotations; Harnsberger, 56, excerpts.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 583–85.
Emendations and textual notes:
but find (ABP) • but [i] [torn]
behindhand instead • behindh[ ] |stead [torn]; behind with her in-|stead (ABP); behind with her instead (MTL) [Paine altered Clemens’s ‘h’ to a ‘w’]
her go without (ABP) • her [ ] [torn]
did not mean (ABP) • di[d ] [torn]
see when (ABP) • s[ ] [torn]
getting ready (ABP) • g[ ] [torn]
quiet way to (ABP) • qui[ ] [torn]
position • po-|sit[]on [torn]
soldier • soldie[r] [torn]
sensible • s[e]sible [torn]
try. In • try.—|In
embrace • em[] |brace [torn]
pet her • pet h[] [torn]
she • s[h] [torn]
sweetheart, instead of • sweetheart, []ste[ ] [torn]
has unlimited • has [] |limited [torn]
father, • fath[] [torn]
except • exc[] [torn]
who • w[h] [torn]
lavishes • lavi[] [torn]
allowance. • a[llo]wa[nce] [torn]
started • s[tt]ed [torn]
quit • quit quit [corrected miswriting]
Now Lockport wants a • Now [L ] [torn; follows ‘X’ in pencil in an unidentified hand]
shall talk to-night & • shall [t ] [torn]
& then I shall go • & [ ] [torn]
avoiding New • avoi [ ] [torn]
possible so as to • possi[ ] [torn]