westminster hotel, cor. of irving place and
16th st. new yorkroberts & palmer proprs
April 23, 1867.
My Dear Old Boy—
You see I have quit the Metropolitan, but I have got a hundred times better hotel.
I got your most welcome letter, to-day, & am so glad to hear you are going to publish.1 Send a copy, with your Ortograft in it, to me, care of Samuel Pepper of Gaylord & Leavenworth, Bankers, St Louis, Mo., & I will send you my book, which will be published day after to-morrow.2 I suppose I shall sail for Palestine just about the time you receive this—June 8.
I want to endorse your book, because Im know all about poetry & I know you can write the genuine article. Your book will be a success—your book shall be a success—& I will destroy any man that says the contrary. How’s that? There is nothing mean about [ me. ] I wrote a sublime poem—“He Done His Level Best”—& what credit did I ever get for [it?—None. ] Bret left it out of the Outcroppings. I never will write another poem. I am not appreciated.3 But that don’t set me against other poets., Charley, like it might have done with other men, & so I will back up your book just as strong as I know how. Count on me to-day, to-morrow & all the time. And I don’t say it in a whisper, but I say it strong.
{Signed & sworn to}—
Mark Twain
I haven’t seen Miss Carmichael, but I hope I shall, soon.4
I was talking with Willie Winter, the talented reviewer of the Tribune & the Saturday Review, yesterday, & he said a lady had given him some of your poems, in MSS., & he, supposing they had not been published (I think she told him they had not,) printed them as original & got scissors for it in the San F. papers. Then he apologised in print, or explained, & the San F. papers scouted his explanation as a shabby falsehood. He is one of the finest young men on the press anywhere, & it is a pity to throw away his good will & his really great influence. The Cal. papers ought to let these papers here borrow from us occasionally,—it wouldn’t actually help the Cal. paper to receive credit, & it does help us to be copied, with signature attached.5
How is Bret? He is publishing with a Son of a Bitch who will swindle him, & he may print that opinion if he chooses, with my name signed to it. I don’t know how his book is coming on—we of Bohemia keep away from Carleton’s.6
I The papers here say I am going to lecture shortly, & I may. I don’t know yet.7
Write to me, sure, care of Mr Pepper, St Louis (I mean to have my letters forwarded to Europe.)
Good-bye, & God bless you,
my boy,
Mark Twain
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Was he a mining on the flat— He done it with a zest; Was he a leading of the choir— He done his level best.... The object of ridicule here becomes clearer from what Mark Twain said as
the avuncular editor of the column: he would encourage Wheeler to
“continue writing” were it not that
“the poet crop is unusually large and rank in California this
year” ( ET&S2, 187–96). Bret Harte’s Outcroppings: Being Selections of California Verse (1865) had
drawn venomous reviews from some of those whose work had been omitted
from it, and was indirectly responsible for May Wentworth’s
Poetry of the Pacific (1867), originally
conceived as containing at least one poem by every poet in California.
Harte answered critics of Outcroppings in several
ways, one of which was an editorial acknowledging that some poems of
merit, including “He Done His Level Best,” had
been “wrongfully overlooked in the volume” (L1, 330–31 n. 7; Harte, 8). In fact, early in 1866 Clemens and
Harte were itching for a chance to burlesque Poetry of
the Pacific, plans for which were already being discussed in
the press, long before it actually issued: “We know all the
tribe of California poets, & understand their different
styles, & I think we can just make them get up &
howl” (SLC to JLC and PAM, 20 Jan 66, L1, 328–29; “More
‘Outcroppings,’” San Francisco Examiner, 12 Jan 66, 3).
A literary gentleman of New York, who holds
a high position in the republic of letters, writes us, that Mr.
Stoddard’s volume of poems is highly spoken of in
literary circles. In the New York Weekly
Review of September 28th, a critical journal of considerable
authority, over half a column is devoted to a notice of the volume
.... Such appreciation as this, on the part of a recognized critical
authority, may well console Mr. Stoddard for the ungracious and
unintelligent criticism of the Territorial
Enterprise, and other provincial reviewers.
(“Mr. Stoddard’s Poems,” Californian 7 [9 Nov 67]: 8)
When I arrived in New York I found Fuller there in some kind of
business.... He said I must take the biggest hall in New York and
deliver that lecture of mine on the Sandwich Islands—said
that people would be wild to hear me.... I knew better. I was well
aware that New York had never heard of me ... yet that man almost
persuaded me. (AD, 11 Apr 1906, CU-MARK, in MTA, 2:351–52) In 1911 Fuller attributed the enthusiasm more to Clemens than to himself,
and he reported a conversation that probably took place at least in part
after Clemens’s return from St. Louis: I was sitting in my private office at 57 Broadway one day when Mark
Twain arrived in New York after his successful lectures in San
Francisco, Sacramento, Virginia City, and St. Louis. He walked into
my office and drawled out: “Frank, I want to preach right here in New York, and it
must be in the biggest hall to be found. I find it is the Cooper
Union, and that it costs $70 for one evening, and I have
got just $7.” I told him he should have that big hall.... We started right away to
interest the public in his lecture on the Sandwich Islands. We put
advertisements in the papers calling on all citizens of the Pacific
Coast to meet in the evening at the Metropolitan Hotel to take
measures for stimulating interest in the lecture and to give him a
big send-off. (Fuller, 5:10) Clemens was probably not so urgent or decisive as Fuller remembered: the
earliest notice of the lecture so far discovered appeared a week after
Clemens’s return (“Mark Twain,” New
York Times, 21 Apr 67, 5). In 1910 Fuller told
Paine that Clemens had wanted Senator (formerly Governor) James W. Nye
of Nevada “to accompany him to the platform and introduce him
to the audience,” and that Clemens wrote Nye with this
request. Having received no reply, on 21 April Clemens sent
Fuller—by then officially his manager—to make the
request in person: I took a night train to Washington and saw Gov. Nye in his rooms at
Willards. I made known my errand and he assented and invited me to
sit right down and write a polite affirmative assent to an
invitation which I could write after I returned to New York. I got
his signature and rushed back to New York. (Fuller to A. B. Paine, 7
Dec 1910; Davis 1956, 1) The promise Nye signed was dated 22 April. On 23 April, the Cooper
Institute and the sixth of May were first mentioned publicly as the
place and date of the lecture (“Personal,” New
York World, 23 Apr 67, 4). And on 25 April, the
New York Evening Post reported: A large number of Californians now in this city have invited Mr.
Samuel Clemmens, better known as “Mark Twain,”
to deliver his lecture upon the Sandwich Islands prior to his
departure for Europe. The invitation has been accepted, and the
lecture will be given at Cooper Institute on Monday evening, May 6.
(“Lecture by ‘Mark
Twain,’” 25 Apr 67, 4) On 27, 28, and 29 April, Fuller issued a summons in the advertising
columns of (at least) the Evening Post, Tribune,
Times, and Herald, designed to convene all
Californians and to formalize their “call,” or
invitation to Mark Twain: Californians and all others interested in the success of the Lecture
which MARK TWAIN has been invited to deliver at Cooper Institute, on
Monday, May 6, are requested to meet at the Metropolitan Hotel, on
Monday evening, April 29, at 7½ o’clock, to
adopt measures for a united effort in the premises. By order of the
Committee. (“Mark Twain’s Lecture,”
New York Herald, 29 Apr 67, 1) This was probably the same “committee” of
dignitaries which had waited on Clemens shortly after his arrival in
January. Clemens opened the 29 April meeting “with a brief
address” described as “both witty and clever....
His manner has all of the freedom and independence of a true
Californian, and he is irresistibly droll in his delivery.” A
letter calling upon him to lecture “was signed by all
present,” but the meeting itself was not widely or fully
reported, except in the Tribune
(“‘Mark Twain,’” New York
Tribune, 30 Apr 67, 8).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 29–35; Pourquoi 1880, 535.
Provenance:see Tufts Collection, p. 517.
Emendations and textual notes:
me. • [possibly ‘me:’]
it?—None. • it?—|None.