Honolulu, Sandwich Islands,
June 21, 1866.
21 June 1866 • Honolulu, Sandwich Islands
(MS: NPV, UCCL 00102)
My Dear Mother & Sister—
I expect I have made Mollie Orion mad, but I don’t care a cent. He wrote me to go home & sell the Tenn. land & I wrote him to go to thunder & take care of it himself. I tried to sell it once & he broke up the trade.
I have just got back from a hard trip through the Island of Hawaii, begun on the 26th May & finished on the [ 2 18th ]of June—only 6 or 7 days at sea—all the balance [horseback], & the hardest mountain roads in the world. I staid at the Volcano 4 days & ‸about a week &‸ witnessed the greatest eruption that has occurred for years.1 I lived well there. They charge $4 a day—but the for board & a dollar or two extra for guides & horses. I had a pretty good time. They didn’t charge me anything. I have got back sick—went to bed as soon as I arrived here—shall not be strong again for several days yet. I rushed too fast. I ought to have taken five or six weeks on that trip.2
A week hence I start for the Island of [Kaui], to be gone 3 weeks—& then I go back to California.3
The Crown Princess is dead, & thousands of natives cry & wail & dance the dance for the dead around the King’s palace all night & every night. They will keep it up for a month, & then she will be buried.4
Hon. Anson Burlingame [ M U. S. ]Minister to China, & Gen. Van Valkenburgh, Minister to Japan, with their families & suits, have just arrived here en route.5 They were going to do me the honor to call on me this morning, & that accounts for my being out of bed now. You know what condition my room is always in when you are not around—so I climbed out of bed & dressed & shaved pretty quick & went up to the residence of the American Minister & called on them. Mr. Burlingame told me a good deal about Hon. Jere Clemens & that Virginia Clemens who was wounded in a duel. He was in Congress years together with both of them.6 Mr. B. sent for his son, to introduce him—said he could tell that frog story of mine as well as anybody.7 I told him I was glad to hear it, for I never tried to tell it myself, without making a botch of it. At his request I have loaned Mr Burlingame pretty much everything I ever wrote. I guess he will be an almighty wise man if ‸by the time‸ he wades through that lot.
If the new United States Minister to the Sandwich Islands (Hon Edwin McCook,) were only here, now, so that I could get his views on this new condition of Sandwich Islands politics, I would sail for California at once. But he will not arrive for two weeks yet, & so I am going to spend that interval on the island of [ Kauu Kauai].8
I stopped 3 days with Hon. Mr. [Cony], Deputy Marshal of the Kingdom, at Hilo, Hawaii, last week, & by a funny circumstance, he knew everybody that ever I knew in Hannibal & Palmyra. We used to sit up all night talking, & then sleep all day. He lives like a Prince.9 Confound that island, I had a streak of fat & a streak of lean all over it—got lost several times & had to sleep in huts with the natives & live like a dog.10 Of course I couldn’t speak fifty words of the language. Take it altogether, though, it was a mighty hard trip.
Yrs aff ℓy
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Before leaving the Volcano . . . I suggested that we have a guide. He
[Clemens] wouldn’t hear of it, said the trail was so plainly worn on the rocks that we
couldn’t miss it, but before noon we were lost in the forest, following goat and cattle trails in every direction, riding
around great cracks, some of which we nearly fell into. . .. When it came night, even he thought we had better
not go on for fear of falling into a lava crack. He pulled his saddle off his horse and made a pillow of it after scraping up some
leaves, as if he were used to this sort of thing, and put his raincoat over him. Even then the man wanted to tell me a story, that
he was reminded of, hungry as we were. This most improvident man had thrown our lunch away, that had been given us at the Volcano
House, early in the day; said we’d be at the Half Way House before noon. Next morning, fortunately, a native came along with a gun, hunting goats, and we persuaded him to lead us to
the Half Way House. It was only a few miles away. Here we got something to eat . . . roast pig and boiled taro
and some nasty paste he [the native] called “poi” which Sam seemed to relish. (Austin, 253)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 343–346; MTL, 1:106–8, with omissions.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 459–61.
Emendations and textual notes:
2 18th • [‘1’ over partly formed ‘2’]
horseback • horse-|back
Kaui • [sic]
M U. S. • [‘U’ over partly formed ‘M’]
Kauu Kauai • Kauuai [‘u’ mended to ‘a’]
Cony • [sic]