5 August 1863 • Virginia City, Nev. Terr.
(MS, damage emended: CU-MARK, UCCL 00070)
No. 11—$20 enclosed
Va., Aug 5.
My Dear Mother & Sister
I got burned out about ten days ago—saved nothing but the clothes I had on—lost a couple of handsome suits that I had made in San Francisco.1 The fire resulted in no benefit to me except that [ Mr ] Judge Ferris’ wife offered me the use of [ the spare one of ]the spare chambers in her house until the Superintendent of the Ophir, who occupies it, returns from San Francisco.2 Therefore, I shall live in some style for a while, at any rate, free of charge, in [rooms] worth $200 or $250 a month, I guess. I board at the Collins House.3 They only charge me $10 a week there—so much for being a reporter. Mrs. Ferris (and everybody else,) has gone to Lake Bigler, & I shall go myself if I can get any one to report for me. However, I didn’t lose so very much by the fire. A man whom I never saw before, gave me some “feet” as I went down town, & I sold the batch for $200 & fitted [ me myself ]out again half as good as new. The unknown scoundrel couldn’t have done me a favor of the kind [ n when ]I needed it more.
Orion is in town. I saw him at the Theatre to-night. He says he has a letter from home at Carson.
He sent me your last the other day, with a fearful lecture to me on the subject of [dissipation.,] from himself. As I don’t dissipate, & never expect to, & am man enough to have a good character & keep it, I didn’t take the trouble to answer it. He will learn after a while, perhaps, that I am not an infant, that I know the value of a good name as well as he does, & stop writing such childish nonsense to me.
Now, I don’t [ wo really ]work more than two hours a day, but then I am busy all the time, gadding about, you know, & consequently I don’t expect to write you very often. You can hear from me by the paper, though. When I was in San Francisco I believe they thought I wasn’t coming back [ & any ]more, & stopped your paper—but I started it again pretty suddenly when I [returned. I ]am glad to hear you are all improving in health. I wish you would stay [ a with] Dr Gross.4
Yrs affcty
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
I discovered that the room under mine was on fire, gave the
alarm, and went down to see how extensive it was likely to be. .
. . I came near not escaping from the house at all. I started to
the door with my trunk, but I couldn’t stand the
smoke, wherefore I abandoned that valuable piece of furniture in
the hall, and returned and jumped out at the window. . . . Now
do you know that trunk was utterly consumed, together with its
contents, consisting of a pair of socks, a package of
love-letters, and $300,000 worth of
“wildcat” stocks? Yes, Sir, it was; and I
am a bankrupt community. Plug hat, numerous sets of complete
broadcloth—lost—eternally lost. However,
the articles were borrowed, as a general thing. I
don’t mind losing them. (ET&S1, 261)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 261–263.
Provenance:probably Moffett Collection; see p. 462.
Emendations and textual notes:
Mr • []r [blotted and torn; doubtful]
the spare one of • [‘one of’ over ‘the spare’]
rooms • ro[o]ms [torn]
me myself • meyself [‘y’ over ‘e’]
n when • [‘w’ over partly formed character, possibly ‘n’ or ‘m’]
dissipation., • [comma over period]
wo really • wo really really [‘re’ over ‘wo’; ‘really’ blotted, canceled, then rewritten for clarity]
& any • [‘a’ over ‘&’]
returned. I • returned.— |I
a with • [‘w’ over ‘a’]