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Will. Pilot. Diseased. Mrs. Horr and all the rest (including Cross?) Had the measles that time. Baptist family. [Put cards in minister’s baptising robe. Trouble in consequence]. Helped roll rock down that jumped over Simon’s dray and smashed into coopershop. He died in Texas. Family.
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Mark Twain made these notes about the people of Hannibal, Missouri, in late July or early
August 1897, during a summer stay in Weggis, Switzerland. Hannibal, on the Mississippi River, had barely a thousand
inhabitants when Clemens’s family settled there in November 1839, a few weeks before his fourth birthday.
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97.10–11 Put cards in minister’s baptising robe. Trouble in consequence] In an 1871
lecture Clemens had attributed this prank to his fellow humorist Artemus Ward: