j. langdon, miner & dealer in anthracite &
bituminous coal office no. 6 baldwin street
elmira, n.y. Sept 15 186 71
Dear Redpath:
{graphic group: 1 horizontal circle inline overlay}
We don’t want it mentioned, but we take up our permanent residence in Hartford the last day of this month,1 & so I shall set start from there when I go lecturing. Now if I am engaged to lecture in Buffalo, & you can very quietly get me released from it, I wish you would do your level best to accomplish it. I mortally hate that G.A.R. there, & I don’t doubt they’ve heir hired me. I once gave them a packed house, free of charge, & they never even had the common politeness to thank me.2 They left me to shift for myself, too, a la [Bret Hart] at Harvard.3 Get me rid of Buffalo. Otherwise I shall have ‸no‸ resource left [ B ] but to get sick the ni day I am to lecture there, & remunerate them for my absence. I can get sick, easily enough, by the simple process of saying the word [ B ]——well, never mind what [word. I] am not going to lecture there. But possibly I am not booked for B.—am I?4
Say, Redpath, I wish you would notify all my list that I have no lecture on Boy’s Suffrage; & that wherever I find myself advertised for it I shall feel myself released from my engagement & at liberty to travel on. They can’t “play me for a Chinaman” again, they way they did on that California lecture. I will not lecture if advertised for any but my present lecture.5 When you make out my list of places, please send one to my publisher, E. Bliss, Jr. 149 Asylum st Hartford, for I have to read proof half the winter.
My Hartford address will be, “Nook Farm,” Hartford—it is John Hooker’s place. Have leased it while I build.6
Where am I on last lecture in January? Then I can tell you about Utica & Paterson.7
Remember home will then be Hartford.
[boston lyceum bureau. redpath & fall. sep 20 1871] [and] Twain Mark. | Elmira N.Y. | Sept. 15th ”71.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 455–456; excerpts in MTL, 1:190–91; Homer, 169; Will M. Clemens 1900, 28; American Autograph Shop, Merion
Station, Pa., undated catalog, item 70, with omissions; “Letters
to James Redpath,” Mark Twain Quarterly 5
(Winter–Spring 1942): 20.
Provenance:Until his death in 1939 the MS was owned by W. T. H. Howe; in 1940, the Howe
Collection was purchased by Dr. Albert A. Berg and donated to NN (Cannon, 185–86). •
Emendations and textual notes:
Bret Hart • [sic]
B • [partly formed]
B • [partly formed]
word. I • word.—|I