224 F. street,
Wash Jan. 8.
8 January 1868 • Washington, D.C.
(MS: NPV, UCCL 00175)
My Dear Mother & Sister:
And so the old Major has been there, has he? I would like mighty well to see him. I was a sort of a benefactor to him, once. I helped to snatch him out when he was about to ride into a Mohammedan Mosque in that queer old Moorish town of Tangier, in Africa. If he had got in, the Moors would have knocked his venerable old head off., for his temerity.1
I have just arrived from New York—been there ever since Christmas day, staying at Dan Slote’s house—my Quaker City roommate, & having a splendid time. Charlie Langdon, Jack Van Nostrand, & Dan & I, had (all Quaker City [night-hawks],) had a blow-out at Dan’s house & a lively talk over old times. We went through the Holy Land together, & I just laughed till my sides ached, at some of our reminiscences. It was the unholiest gang that ever cavorted through Palestine, but those are the best boys in the world. We needed Moulton badly.2 I started to make calls, New Year’s Day, but I anchored ‸for the day‸ at the first house I came to—Charlie Langdon’s sister was there (beautiful girl,) & Miss Alice Hooker, another beautiful girl, a niece of Henry Ward Beecher’s. We sent the old folks home early, with instructions not to send the carriage till midnight, & then I just staid there & deviled the life out of those girls.3 I am going to spend a few days with the Langdon’s, in Elmira, New York, as soon as I get time, & a few days at Mrs. Hooker’s, in Hartford, Conn., shortly.4
Henry Ward Beecher sent for me last Sunday to come over & dine (he lives in Brooklyn, you know,) & I went. Harriet Beecher Stowe was there, & Mrs. & Miss Beecher, Mrs. Hooker & my old Quaker City favorite, Emma Beach.5 We had a very gay time, if it was Sunday. I expect I told more lies than I have told before in a month. We had a tip-top dinner, but nothing to drink but cider. I told Mr. Beecher that no dinner could be perfect without champaign, or at least some kind of Burgundy, & he said that privately he was a good deal of the same opinion, but it wouldn’t do to say it loud. I went back, by invitation, after the evening service, & finished the blow-out, & then staid all night at Mr. [ Beech ]Beach’s. Henry Ward is a brick.6
I found out at 10 oclock, last night, that I was to lecture to-morrow evening & the next, & so you must be aware that I have been working like sin all night to get a lecture written. I have finished it, but don’t think a very great deal of it. I call it “Frozen Truth.” It is a little top-heavy, though, because there is more truth in the [title ]than there is in the lecture. But thunder, I mustn’t sit here writing all day, with so much business before me.7
Good bye, & kind regards to all.
Yrs affℓy
Sam L. Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
the lecture embraced a general review of the
excursion.... The state-room accommodations on the steamer, the
various sensations and stages of sea-sickness, the sociability of
the passengers and their peculiarities, were inimitable, and
elicited uncontrollable bursts of laughter from the audience, while
his reminiscences of the noble cities of to-day and those of the
past, visited by the voyagers, were given with all the genuine
freshness of a traveler who has seen with observing eyes and a
reflective mind all that he reproduces to his hearers.... Mark Twain
possesses that rare but happy combination of talking as well as he
writes; and if any of our readers may be laboring under a fit of the
“blues,” we recommend to them a speedy relief
in the brief advice, “Go and hear Mark Twain.”
(“Amusements,” 10 Jan 68, PH in CU-MARK) Part of a manuscript draft of “The Frozen
Truth” has survived, and a deleted passage in it suggests
Clemens intended to repeat his lecture “on Saturday
evening,” 11 January, not on 10 January as he says in this
letter (SLC 1868 [MT00608], 75). He was obliged to
cancel the second engagement: see 9 Jan 68 to JLC and PAM,
and 10 Jan 68 to the editors of the Washington Morning
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 144–147; MTB, 1:352, 355, excerpts and paraphrase; MTL, 1:142–43.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.
Emendations and textual notes:
night-hawks • [possibly preceded by a canceled partly formed ‘h’]
Beech • [‘h’ partly formed]
title • tiltl title