Hartford, Sep. 22
My Dear Redpath:
I perceive that I was unconsciously trying to swindle you! But I jumped to the conclusion that the per centages would reach $600, & that only about 3 or 4 days of your time would be required. Now you just look & see if you offered me better terms. For instance: I would have to g devote 6 or 8 days of my time to getting ready to deliver a lecture in Boston, & also one day to go there & another to return. Say about 2 weeks, in effect, used up—all for $350. You see you didn’t know what an outlay of my time was required for one lecture, & I didn’t know (or didn’t think) how much of yours was required in order to properly work up a week’s lecture-business.
I hated to seem to go back on you when you were in a close place, & yet I could not afford the time necessary to prepare for a single lecture for $350 multiplied by 8. I could but ill spare it, even at that large figure. So I hunted around for some way of making the la ost days pay for themselves, & struck upon a plan which I thought might pay us both. I made the trifling mistake of figuring your per centage at a 10 per cent result, whereas 5 per cent wouldn’t accomplish that, perhaps!1 Still, Brelsford confessed to me that the gross receipts of my 2 night[s] of Roughing It at Steinway reached about $36002 (& there was no “stir” about the Bonanza regions then, though there is now.)3
I am saying all this only to show that if s I seemed to be mean I wasn’t trying to be, nevertheless. There are some people I like to be as illiberal with as possible, but you are not one of them, Redpath.
However, the result is a lucky one for me (& I wish it were also for you,) because I find that I could not deliver those lectures without gouging the time right out of the midst of a long, solid literary job which would suffer most seriously by the interruption.4 Because I stopped to fool with the play of Col. Sellers, I never succeeded in getting settled down to work & again & finishing, ‸until‸ two months ago, a book which would have been completed twelve months ago, but for the interruption.5 I never have lectured without losing a great deal of money by it (no matter what the fee,) & so you can understand my reluctance to meddle with fire that has burnt me so often. And besides I absolutely loathe lecturing, for its own sake!
Look in on me, here, & I will do ditto with you presently, when I must go to Boston on business.6
Yrs Ever
P. S. Ever so many thanks for Simmons & Wall’s letter.7
[letter docketed:] [boston lyceum bureau. ]james redpath. sep 25 1875
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 539–541.
Provenance:bequeathed to MH in 1918 by Evert Jansen Wendell (1860–1917), a
Harvard alumnus and collector of theater memorabilia (Dickinson, 332–33).
Emendations and textual notes:
boston lyceum bureau • bost[o u]reau. [stamped off page]