31 December 1870 • Buffalo, N.Y.
(MS and transcript: DLC and New York Tribune, 4 Jan 71,
UCCL 02793 and UCCL 10334)
Friend Reid—
They are bound to make a flaming success of Surratt if these fool mayors & revenue officers do not stop making catspaws of themselfves for Surratt’s manager (for I am perfectly satisfied that his manager is at the bottom of the whole thing.)
I This article would place me under my own commendation but for the fact that a notoriety based on tranquil contempt with no p bitterness visible in it is about as damaging as telegraphic betrayals of empty lecture-halls.
We are all well at home, & beg that you will visit us & the Falls when you can, & let us entertain you a day or two & make you acquainted with David Gray.1 Please remember me to Mr. Hazard 2 & Col. Hay.3
In case you don’t want this article it will be not the slightest offense in the world to leave it out, but I would take it as a great favor if you will then return it to me (I enclose stamps) for I have written it on principle & have sacrificed to it half a day which I could not nearly as well spare as I could the best suit of clothes I have got in the world.
Ys faithfully
To the Editor of The Tribune.
Sir: John H. Surratt’s manager evidently understands his business, or else Surratt is fortunate above the average of snubbed [&] struggling would-be lecturers—for every day the newspapers reveal to the people that the gentleman is being persecuted. I am of the lecturing guild, Sir, & am aware that the cheapest & the surest way to get an undesired or unknown person splendidly before the public & crowd his houses, is to get somebody to persecute him. There are other ways, but this is the surest. One of the most courted lady-lecturers of the day owes by far the largest half of her profitable notoriety to a dreadful platform failure, which procured for her such an avalanche of newspaper scorn & rebuke that she became known (& sympathized with) all over [the land] in a single day. Another of the most courted lady-lecturers of the day is soaring along on a lucrative notoriety nine-tenths of which is the result of industriously-supplied two-line personal items telling how she wore her hair at Long Branch.4 So you see how easy it is to excite the public interest in an individual, & fill that individual’s lecture-halls for him. Do you not perceive that Mr. Surratt, who cannot at present induce more than a hundred people to listen to him, is on the high road to a notoriety which in a very little while will cram the largest halls in America with people eager to see the new wonder & hear him? Indeed he is on that very high road.
Mr. Surratt’s manager, I fancy, is deliberately procuring this persecution, & the deep old fox knows that it is exactly the sort of advertising he needs. It is a hundred thousand times more effective than commonplace commendation in the dramatic column, which makes not the least impression upon the reader. When the telegraph recently spread it over the country that Mr. Surratt had an audience of only a hundred & fifty to hear him at Cooper Institute it was a most damaging thing. Six more such announcements, unaccompanied by any saving persecution, would have hurried the lecturer Surratt beyond the hope of resurrection; but at a lucky moment there was talk of his arrest (incited by his manager, no doubt), & next there was a story that Attorney-General Holt once offered to save Mrs. Surratt, & set her free, if the son would take her place, & the son refused, (more, acute managerial invention, no doubt),5 & next came the announcement that Surratt’s Baltimore lecture was interfered with by his arrest on a charge of non-payment of a trifling tobacco tax years ago (this official persecutor being a guileless catspaw of that manager, without the shadow of a doubt); & now at last comes the announcement that the Mayor of Washington has warned Surratt against driving the people of the capital to extremities by attempting to lecture there, & immediately the meek & law-abiding Surratt takes in his sign & closes his hall (the entire thing a crowning triumph of that manager’s inventive genius, without question)!6
If it is desired to make John H. Surratt a prodigious success as a lecturer & give him an income of $25,000 a year, it is only requisite that mayors, revenue officers, & hall proprietors continue to stand in front & persecute the lecturer while the ingenious manager stands behind & pulls their strings—& it is further only necessary that the telegraph people get knowledge of the said persecution (a thing which the said manager will attend to). But if it is desired that Mr. Surratt drop entirely out of the public notice in three short weeks, it is only necessary to let him alone & cease to make public mention of him. His little candle would straightway begin to burn weaker & weaker, & the “cabbage head” would begin to develop more & more prominently on its top, & presently the poor thing would flicker out & pass away in a film of smoke, leaving nothing behind but an evanescent [stench.] Am I not right?
Mark Twain.
Buffalo, Dec. 29, 1870.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 290–93.
Provenance:The Whitelaw Reid Papers (part of the Papers of the Reid Family) were donated to DLC between 1953 and 1957 by Helen Rogers Reid (Mrs. Ogden Mills Reid).
Emendations and textual notes: MS is copy-text for ‘Buf . . . Clemens.’ (290.1–20) Tribune is copy-text for ‘To . . . 1870.’ (290.22–292.10)
30 31st. • 301st.
& • and [also at 290.27 (twice), 28, 32; 291.1, 6, 10, 13, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 31 (twice), 32, 35, 36 (twice), 37, 38; 292.4, 5 (twice), 6 (twice), 7]
the land • t[he] land [badly inked]
stench. • stench[.] [badly inked]