Buffalo, Dec. 22/70.
Friend Bliss:
This is to acknowledge receipt of the fifteen e hundred dollars for the foreign expedition. Thanks.
‸Samℓ. L. Clemens‸
The contract has gone to you, approved & signed. Send me one.
You’d better go to canvassing for the vol. of sketches now, hadn’t you? You must illustrate it—& mind you, [the man] to do the choicest of [the pictures] is Mullin—the [Sisters] are reforming him & [he] is sadly in need of work & [money]. Write to Launt Thompson the Sculptor, (Albemarle Hotel, New York) about him. I did [ w ] so want him for that satire but didn’t know he was sober now & in hospital.1
Make out a contract for the sketch-book (7½ per cent.) & mail to me.2
I think the sketch-book should be as profusely illustrated as the Innocents.
To-day I arranged enough sketches to make 200 134 pages of the book (200 words on a page, I estimated—size of De Witt Talmage’s new book of rubbish.)3 I shall go right on till I have finished selecting, & then write an new sketch or so. One hundred of the pages selected to-day are scarcely known.
I bought my Jumping Frog from [Webb. ]—gave him what he owed me ($60000,), and $800 cash, & 300 remaining copies of the book, & also took $128 worth of [ fresh ] unprinted paper off his hands.4
I think of a Jumping Frog pamphlet (illustrated) for next Christmas—do you want it?5
Ys Ever
[letter docketed by Bliss:] Write L. Thompson sculptor about Mullins Albemarle Hotel [and, in another hand:] [and] Mark Twain | Dec 22/70 | Author
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
On 29 December, in his letter enclosing the sketchbook contract, Bliss asked Clemens to revise his old sketches and
include some new ones so that “a new copyright” could be secured on the volume (CU-MARK). The contract for it made this a requirement (ET&S1, 435). For Clemens’s plans for the plates of the Jumping Frog book, see 17 Dec 70 to Fairbanks. He responded to Bliss’s Jumping Frog
proposals and submitted some portion of the sketchbook contents in early January 1871 (3 Jan 71, 4 and 5 Jan 71, both to Bliss).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 281–283; MTLP, 52–53 (CtY-BR text only).
Provenance:MS donated to CtY by Walter F. Frear in 1942; MS deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963; present location of the MS owned
by Noël J. Cortés in 1975 and by Axelrod in 1983 is not
Emendations and textual notes:
the man • [h]e man [torn]
the pictures • [th]e pictures [torn]
Sisters • [Si]sters [torn]
he • [h]e [torn]
money • [m]oney [torn]
w • [partly formed]
Webb. • [deletion implied]
fresh • [‘h’ partly formed]