Hartford, Dec. 10
My Dear Nast—
As the best way of coming at it, I enclose my “mother Fairbanks’s” letter1—the last page of it refers to you. We think the whole world of Mrs. Fairbanks (wife of proprietor of Cleveland Herald)—she was a pilgrim with me in the Innocents Abroad. [ Hr Her] son Charley I have written you about, before, & you sent him an autograph from your pencil which set him up wonderfully. Now I think it a glorious thing to be a boy’s idol, for it is the only worship one can swear to, as genuine—& I have no doubt you feel a good [deal] as I do about it. Therefore I send Charley Fairbanks to you without distrust or fear2—satisfied that the few minutes he robs you of will be an inspiration to him & will be transmitted in the works of his hands to the next generation—& just as well satisfied that you will place that loss, with little regret, along with many another like it, labeled, “Bread cast upon the Waters.”3
Nast you, more than any other man, have won a prodigious victory for Grant—I mean, rather, for Civilization & progress;—those pictures were simply marvels; & if any man in the land has a right to hold his head [ & ] up & be honestly proud of his share in this year’s vast events that man is unquestionably yourself. We all do sincerely honor you & are proud of you.4
Ys Ever
Mark Twain.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 249–250; Paine 1904, 263, brief excerpt; Merwin-Clayton, lot 242, brief
excerpt; MTB, 1:472, brief excerpt; MTL, 1:202, brief excerpt (misdated November 1872); Freeman, lot 103,
brief paraphrase; MTMF, 169, with omission.
Provenance:The MS was among the papers and drawings from Nast’s estate sold
in April 1906 (Merwin-Clayton). It was sold again in 1932 as part of the
collection of businessman William F. Gable (1856–1921) (Freeman).
In 1961 James Rankin donated it to Princeton, where it is part of the Rankin
Autograph Collection.
Emendations and textual notes:
Hr Her • Hrer
deal • [d]eal [torn]
& • [possibly] [’r’]