“Daily Express” Office,
Buffalo, Aug. 12.
Friend Bliss—
Your splendid letter has arrived, & I confess I owe you one. I was in an awful sweat when I wrote you, for everything seemed going wrong end foremost with me. I had just got mad with the Cleveland Herald folks & broken off all further negotiations for a purchase, & so I let you & some others have the benefit of my ill [nature. But ] that is all gone by, & now we will b smoke the pipe of peace & bury the hatchet.1 I have bought one-third of the Buffalo “Express,”2 & it is an exceedingly thriving newspaper.3 We propose to make it more so. I expect I shall have to buckle right down to it & give up lecturing until next year.
I was at Elmira yesterday & saw the book, & my faith in it has all come back again. It is the very handsomest book of the season & you ought to be proud of your work. It will [sell. Between ] us we will make it sell. Miss Langdon has a very flattering letter about it from young Mrs. Perkins of Hartford. I will get a copy & send to you. They live in that big place at the foot of the street that starts from the front of the Episcopal [church.4 Send ] Henry Ward Beecher a copy. However, I believe I put his name in that list. I will send you the Elmira notices when they appear. I gave that handsome gilt-edged copy to my sweetheart5—I wish you would send one like it to Charley J. Langdon, Elmira, & one to my mother, Mrs. Jane Clemens, 203 South 16th street, St. Louis, Mo. I have no copy myself, but I can get along without, [ have having ] already perused it. I think it would be a good idea to send both bound & unbound copies to the Buffalo Express, the Buffalo Courier, & the Buffalo Commercial, but that is for you to judge of.6
Well, I believe I haven’t anything more to say, except that I like the circulars,7 I like the book, I like you & your style & your business vim, & believe the chebang will be a success.
Heartily & sincerely
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
“Buffalo Express” is my address hereafter—shall marry & come to anchor here during the winter.
[letter docketed:] Clemens [and] [and] Mark Twain | Aug 12/69
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Despite Clemens’s eagerness to make peace with Bliss and his apparent acceptance of Bliss’s
explanation, he persisted in his mistaken belief that the publication delay was thirteen months (from July 1868). In 1876 he told
William Wright (Dan De Quille): “I have been through that mill (of ‘When is your book going to be
out?’) so often that it long ago ceased to have any power to annoy me—though when the
‘Innocents’ was in press I confess I wished a million times that I had never written a
book. . . . Bliss never yet came within 4 months of getting a book out at the time he said he would.
On the Innocents he fell short overstepped his word & his contract 13
months—& I suffered questioning all that time” (SLC to Wright, 28 Jan 76). And in 1903, he asserted: “In August of that year [1869],
the Company having during 13 months tried all kinds of ways to get out of publishing ‘The Innocents Abroad,’
(the late Mr. [Sidney] Drake begging me, as a charity, to take the book away, because it was not serious enough and could
finish the destruction of the Company), I telegraphed from Elmira that I would bring suit if the book was not on sale in 24 hours. So
it was issued, without a canvasser under engagement, a year after the subject of it had passed out of public interest, and had to be
revived—if possible—by the book itself” (SLC
1903, 1–2). Actually, however, Clemens was misremembering his March ultimatum (see 13 Mar 69 to Fairbanks, n. 5). As the present letter and
Clemens’s 1 August letter to Bliss make clear, no August confrontation took place. Nor has any record of the threatening
telegram Clemens recalled been found.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L3, 291–295; MTMF 102, excerpt; MTLP, 25–26.
Provenance:see Mendoza Collection, p. 587. Two typed transcriptions, at WU and ViU, may have been made by George Brownell or Dana Ayer from a
lost handwritten transcription by Ayer. See Brownell Collection, pp. 581–82.
Emendations and textual notes:
nature. But • nature.—|But
sell. Between • Sell.—|Between
church. Send • church.—|Send
have having • haveing