Va, May 26, 1864.
My Dear Bro—
Send me two hundred dollars if you can spare it [ comfortably. However], never mind—you can send it to San Francisco if you prefer. Steve & I are going to the States. We leave Sunday morning per Henness Pass.1 Say nothing about [it., ] of course. We are not afraid of the grand jury, but Washoe has long since grown irksome to [us., ] & we want to leave it anyhow.2
We have thoroughly canvassed the Carson business, & concluded we dare not do anything, either to Laird or Carson men without spoiling our chances of getting [ w away]. However, if there is any chance of the husbands of those women challenging me, I don’t want a straw put in the way of it. I’ll wait for them a month, if th necessary, & fight them with any weapon they choose. I thought of challenging one of them & then crossing the line to await the result, but Steve says it would not be safe, situated as we are.3
When I get to the Bay—where we shall remain a month—I will fix the Hale & Norcross in a safe shape.4
My best love to Mollie,
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 299–301; MTEnt, 203.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers, pp. 461–62. A penciled underscore below
‘Henness Pass’ (299.5) may have been added by Orion
Clemens, either when he received the letter or perhaps when he was preparing
his autobiography in 1880; Clemens wrote the letter in ink. Although Paine
did not publish this letter, two notes on the MS,
‘[Thursday]’ above the date and
‘Imp.’ below it, appear to
be in his hand. Since Clemens announces in the letter his secret plan to
leave Virginia City on Sunday, it is indeed important—if that is
what ‘Imp.’ means—to
know that the letter was written on Thursday.
Emendations and textual notes:
comfortably. However • comfortably.— |However
it., • [comma over period]
us., • [comma over period]
w away • [‘a’ over partly formed ‘w’]