Elmira, Nov. 26.
Thanksgiving Day.
{graphic group: 1 vertical slash inline bottom}
My Dear Mother—
It is my thanksgiving [ D day], above all other days that ever shone on earth. Because, after twenty-four hours of persecution from me, Mr. & Mrs. L. have yielded a conditional consent—Livy has said, over & over again, the word which is so hard for a maiden to say, & if there were a church near here with a steeple high enough to make it an object I should go & jump over it. What do you think? She felt the first faint symptom Monday night Sunday, & the lecture Monday night brought the disease to the surface.1 She isn’t my sister any more—but some time in the future she is going to be my wife, & I think we shall live in Cleveland.
I think that, because I think you will persuade Mr. Fairbanks to sell me an in a living interest in the Herald on such a credit as will enable me to pay for it by lecturing & other work—for I have no relatives to borrow money of, & wouldn’t do it if I had. And then we shall live in the house next to yours. I am in earnest, now, & you must not cease your eloquence until you have made Mr. Fairbanks yield.2
I do wish you were here. You see it is a grave matter I have so suddenly sprung upon them, & they are bewildered. And yet they are (sensibly) more concerned about what I am likely to be in the future than what I have been in the past. They think you could build up their confidence—I know that is why they so wish you were here.3
Mr. L. has plenty of fun to-day, breaking in on our private drawing-room confidences under pretense of measuring the room to see if it is large enough for three.
Congratulate me, my darling Mother—(that brings the tears to your eyes & a smile of to your lips)—because you know you do congratulate me, away down in the depths of your loving heart.) And you know I am so happy that I am almost beside myself.
I touch no more spirituous liquors after this day (though I have made no promises)—I shall do no act which you or Livy might be pained to hear of—I shall [seeks ]the society of the good—I shall be a Christian. I shall climb—climb—climb—toward this bright sun that is shining in the heaven of my happiness until all that is gross & unworthy is hidden in the mists & the darkness of that lower earth whence you first lifted my ascend ascen aspiring feet. Have no fears, my mother. I shall be worthy—yet. Livy [beli[e]ves ]in me. You believe in me, too, whether you say it or not. I believe in myself. I believe in God—& through the breaking clouds I see the star of Hope rising in the placid blue beyond.
I bow my reverent head. Thy blessing, mother!
For Livy’s sake (not mine,) keep this secret from Allie, & my precious little Mollie,4 & from all. Give my cordial love to Mr. F. & all your blessed household.
Yrs in ecstasy
P.S. Write instantly, for I leave on the 1st. for Rondout5 & then Dan Slote’s.
P.S.—Friday—Dear Mother, you are to understand that we are not absolutely engaged, because of course Livy Livy would not fall in love Sunday & engage herself Thursday—she must have time to prove her heart & make sure that her love is permanent. And I must have time to settle, & create a new & better character, & prove myself in it—& I desire these things, too. That she loves me I would be a fool to doubt. That she shall continue to love me is the thing that I [must ]hope for & labor to secure.
But I must not stay here, & so I leave for New York to-night—for idle tongues will be busy with her name soon enough. I On the score of her health it is better that I should go, too—so her parents think thought, this morning, for they knew she had hardly eaten or slept for 48 hours. But she slept last night, & is not so like a lovely, peerless, radiant ghost to-day. {Laughter & applause.} She is serene & happy, to-day, & ate a roast turkey for luncheon.6 {Cheers.} And for all the old gentleman is so concerned he knows he has not been so jolly himself for months, or had such noble opportunities for poking fun at helpless people. {Hear, hear.} He makes her face [in margin: (over) over] crimson, & enjoys it. But he don’t embarrass me any to speak of. {Vociferous applause.} Mother, I verily & absolutely worship her. {Thunders of applause.} And she knows it & likes it. {[Hip—hip]—hurrah!}
Write me at once—address 121 William st., New York.7
Charley says: “All well, & father better.”
Yrs lovingly
[on back of previous page:] [centered on page:]P.S. Please come & see the Langdons right away—they are so anxious you should. They want so much to question you about me. Won’t you?
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Elmira Dec 1st 1868 My dear Mrs Fairbanks I feel drawn to write you today. I WOULD that I
could see you for an hour!——In one of your
‘Holy Land’ letters which I cannot
conveniently refer to now, you speak of holding your pen, (amid the
multitude of things that were eager to be spoken, and perhaps the
much greater number, that your own mind, desired should remain
unspoken); in indecision about what to write, or where &
how to begin. I do not quote your words of course. But I by no means occupy your situation, as I
have but one subject of which to speak.—
—— — By this time you have begun to anticipate of
whom I am about to write; and I the more readily ask you to become
our confidante, our counselor, as Mr
Clemens has told Livia, that you were already his.—
— — — I earnestly desire, (and here my perplexity in
writing begins, & the feeling that I could so much better
talk with you,) that every word of this communication should be such
that the subject of it, could now, or at any future day, read it not
only without pain, but with the consciousness that it was prompted
by feelings of the highest generosity & kindness toward
him. I cannot, & need not, detail to you
the utter surprise & almost astonishment with which Mr
Langdon & myself listened to Mr Clemens declaration to
us, of his love for our precious child, and how at first our
parental hearts said no.—to the bare thought of such a
stranger, mining in our hearts for the possession of one of the few
jewels we have. All this I must pass by, for today I have to deal
with that, with which the judgment only has to do.— You, my dear friend have known Mr Clemens, more
or less intimately since your and his embarkation on the
‘Quaker City’—you knew him first,
as a somewhat celebrated personage next you knew him as a
fellow-traveller, and as your acquaintance with him increased into
the time of weeks & months, you began to look upon him
from your higher standpoint of maturer experience &
closer estimate & appreciation of men, (out of your
Christian heart, that was so earnestly desirous to do good to all
around you, God bless & reward you for it) without
criticism, but with those counsels, and it may be rebukes that
hasten to do men good. And now you have known him in your family, at
the fireside day by day, almost as if he were your own
son.— — — Now what I am about to write, must be plainly
& frankly spoken. I do not ask as to his standing among
men, nor do I need to be assured that he is a man of genius that he
possesses a high order of intellectual endowments, nor do I scarcely
crave your opinion of his affectional nature, but what I desire is
your opinion of him as a man; what the kind
of man he has been, and what the man he now
is, or is to become. I have learned from Charlie & I think
the same idea has pervaded your conversation, or writing or
both,—that a great change had taken place in Mr Clemens,
that he seemed to have entered upon a new manner of life, with
higher & better purposes actuating his
conduct.—— The question, the answer to which, would settle
a most weaning anxiety, is,—from what standard of
conduct,—from what habitual life, did this change, or
improvement, or reformation; commence? Does this change, so desirably commenced make of an
immoral man a moral one, as the world looks
at men?—or—does this change make of one, who
has been entirely a man of the world, different in this regard, that
he resolutely aims to enter upon a new, because a Christian
life?—— — — — — — — — — I think my dear friend that to you my meaning will
not be obscure, & that your maternal heart will make
every allowance for me I never feel so much the change that has
taken place in my physical strength, as when I try to use my brain
for any purpose whatever, so soon does my head become weary,
& my thoughts indistinct & confused. Mr Langdon is slowly gathering up his strength
but much more slowly than we hoped & expected, but I am
confidently hoping that he will now in a short time be comfortably
well. Mr & Mrs Crane leave for Florida tomorrow evening,
we feel much more encouraged to hope that Sue will be benefitted by
the travel & the sojourn in the South than we did a month
ago.—— Livia & Charlie (as well as my neice whom
we have come to love very much) are well Charlie has now installed
himself quite thoroughly in his ‘Hardware
business’ & seems quite happy.—I
cannot express to you how much I prise your letters to him, nor what
a wealth I feel that they are to him.—— We do feel very anxious to see you & Mr
Fairbanks here & to have a good long visit from you both,
then will it not be delightful to rehearse everything that interests
us all. Will you remember us very kindly to Mr & Mrs
Severance & please tell them that at the next reunion
appointed we confidently expect they will be present. Our warmest love to all your dear family Very faithfully yours Olivia Langdon An early answer to this letter will increase our
already great obligations to you. O.L.
After that fall she was not able to leave her bed
during two years, nor was she able to lie in any position except
upon her back. All the great physicians were brought to Elmira,
one after another, during that time, but there was no helpful
result. In those days both worlds were well acquainted with the
name of Dr. Newton, a man who was regarded in both worlds as a
quack.... One day Andrew Langdon, a relative of the Langdon
family[,] came to the house and said: “You
have tried everybody else, now try Dr. Newton, the
quack....” Newton came. He found the young girl upon her back. Over her was
suspended a tackle from the ceiling. It had been there a long
time, but unused. It was put there in the hope that by its
steady motion she might be lifted to a sitting posture, at
intervals, for rest. But it proved a failure. Any attempt to
raise her brought nausea and exhaustion, and had to be
relinquished. Newton made some passes about her head with his
hands; then he put an arm behind her shoulders and said
“Now we will sit up, my child.” The family were alarmed, and tried to stop him, but he was not
disturbed, and raised her up. She sat several minutes, without
nausea or discomfort. Then Newton said that that would do for
the present, he would come again next morning; which he did. He
made some passes with his hands and said, “Now we
will walk a few steps, my child.” He took her out of
bed and supported her while she walked several steps; then he
said “I have reached the limit of my art. She is not
cured. It is not likely that she will ever be cured. She will never be able to walk far, but
after a little daily practice she will be able to walk one or
two hundred yards, and she can depend on being able to do that for the rest of her
life.” (AD, 13 Feb 1906, in MTA, 2:103–5)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 283–288; Sotheby, lot 4, excerpt from the first five
pages; LLMT, 23, brief excerpt from the first paragraph; MTMF, 48–52, the complete letter.
Provenance:The two parts of this letter have probably been separated since before 1918,
when Henry Huntington acquired pages 6–9 among the Clemens
letters he purchased from the Fairbanks family (see Huntington Library, p.
512). Pages 1–5 were owned by Mrs. E. A. Beardsley at the time of
her death, and were sold by Sotheby of London on 27 June 1932. The Bergs
probably purchased them then, or soon thereafter, depositing them at NN in
1940 along with the bulk of their collection.
Emendations and textual notes:
Nov • [‘v’ partly formed]
D day • [possibly ‘Dday’]
seeks • [‘s’ doubtful]
beli[e]ves • be-|lives
must • must | must
Hip—hip • [possibly ‘Hip-hip’]
Elmira • [deletion implied]