‸P. S. I always write too much for a business man to read. But I’ve scratched some out. And interlined more.‸
My Dear Reid:
Your check for $100 for Sandwich Island letters is received, & is plenty.1
You made some small alterations here & there in the MS. for which I was sincerely grateful—they happened to [be] things I regretted to have said, when the MS. was gone & it was too late.2
I do hope to have an occasional moment to scribble an article in, but it can hardly be often, for I am so hard at work that I am obliged to decline a twenty-night lecture offer that would pay me [ $12,000. ] 3 I would have to decline it if it paid me $20,000, for books pay considerably better. ‸lecturing & forego all miscellaneous literary pleasures.‸
John Hay has been doing a couple of royal lectures. I think he just lays over anything in the guild.4 ‸It is but the opinion of a Border Ruffian from Pike—but then I’m “on it” myself.‸ 5
Have just bought the loveliest building-lot in Hartford—544 feet front on the Avenue & 300 feet deep 6 —(paid for it with first six months of “Roughing It”—how’s that?) 7 & the house will be built while we are absent in England 8 —& then by & by, whenever you fellows will run up I’ll make it awful lively for you, I swear!
Ys Ever
Jan. 17.—But it appears I’ve got to lecture, after all—at least I am wavering & am almost ready to give in—but I’ll have to talk only a mighty few times if I talk at all. On “Sandwich Islands”—& you must not report me like Fields—you’d desolate my richest property.9
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
A bureau (Pond’s ‸Redpaths?‸ I think) got him to deliver a lecture on the Islands at the
Academy of Music, New York, five evenings for $.500.00 each. At the end they offered him the same rate for thirty nights
in the leading cities. He refused. The manager offered to increase the pay; but he refused. (Thompson, 78) Redpath’s Boston Lyceum Bureau (James B. Pond was one of the partners who took over Redpath’s bureau in 1875)
did not manage Clemens’s February 1873 lectures in New York City and Brooklyn, and was almost certainly not the source of
the $12,000 offer (L4, 401 n. 4; Redpath 1876; 24 Jan 73 to Redpath, n. 1).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 269–71.
Provenance:The Whitelaw Reid Papers (part of the Papers of the Reid Family) were donated to DLC between 1953 and 1957 by Helen Rogers Reid (Mrs. Ogden Mills Reid).
Emendations and textual notes:
12 ‸13‸ • 12 3
$12,000. • [period doubtful]