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Elmira, 20th.
Friend Bliss:
We are all [ hear here,] & my wife has grown weak, stopped eating, & dropped back to where she was two weeks ago. But we’ve all the help we want here.
Here is my contribution (I take it from the book,) & by all odds it is the finest piece of writing I ever did. Consequently I want the people to know that it is from the book:
Head it thus, & go on:
The Old-Time Pony-Express
of the Great Plains.
{graphic group: 1 horizontal circle inline overlay}
{Having but little time to write volunteer contributions, now I offer this in chapter from
By Mark Twain.
{graphic group: 1 horizontal circle inline overlay}
{The following is a chapter from Mark Twain’s forthcoming book & closes with a life-like picture of an incident of Overland stage travel on the Plains in the days before the Pacific railroad was built.——{ Ed. Publisher.
{From along about the 160th to 170th page of the MS.} It begins thus:
“However, in a little while all interest was taken up in stretching our necks & watching for the pony-rider” &c.—Go on to end of chapter.3
Refer the marginal note to Orion, about postage. But I I feel sure I am wrong, & that it was Four Dollars an ounce instead of Two——make the correction, if necessary4 Read proof very carefully, Orion—you need send none to me.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 367–369; Hill, 52, brief excerpts; MTLP, 61–62.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
hear here • hearre