7 June 1867 • New York, N.Y.
(TS and MS, damage emended: CU-MARK and TxU, UCCL 00133)
Westminster [Hotel, ]
New York, June 7, 1867
Dear Will:
We leave tomorrow at 3:00 P.M.1 Everything is ready but my trunks. I will pack them first thing in the morning.
We have got a crowd of tiptop people, [&] shall have a jolly, sociable, homelike trip of it for the next five or six months. And [then—]if we all go to the bottom, I think we shall be fortunate. There is no unhappiness like the misery of sighting land (& work) again after a cheerful, careless voyage. They were lucky boys that went down in sight of home the other day when the Santiago de Cuba stranded on the New Jersey shore.2 However I have a roving commission, anyhow, & if I don’t like to land when we get back, I will just shift on to some other ship & go away again.
I am going on this trip for fun only. I have to keep up my San Francisco correspondence, of course, & must write two letters a month for the New York Tribune (they pay best & that is what I work for) till we reach Egypt, & then I have to write oftener.3 [Herbert of the World] has just taken passage [to-day, &] he is [a splendid ship-mate—][knows everything] it [is possible for] one man to know, [& is almighty jolly—& ]is also the most brilliant writer in America, except, perhaps House.4 I guess we [shan’t] have any [very] bad time, my son. All the [World’s] foreign correspondents [will have] [to put him through, &] all the [Tribune’s & the San] Francisco [ Alta’s ]will have to waltz me along, [&] so I do not see that we need care particularly whether school keeps or not.5
Remember me lovingly to [Mrs] Bowen, [&] say to Bart [that] if I can favor him by [walking into a furnace, I will do it. I] [want to be] [remembered to all your] [mother’s family & its branches] except Sam Bowen. But the idea of that fellow’s being in [St Louis 3 days &] never calling on [me, &] never being where [I could find him, is infamous.] [I’ll recollect the scoundrel.]6
How is [Miriam? Tell] her I [dream of her still.] And I [dream of Mrs. Robbins] too, but [not so much].7 [Good bye, my oldest] friend.
Sam Clemens
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
office of the tribune.
new york
June 5th
My Dear Mr Huntington: This will introduce to you Mr Samuel Clemens
of San Francisco, whose fame as a writer has I have no doubt
reached you under his nom de plume of
“Mark Twain.” He is a very nice gentleman,
one whom I am certain you will be glad to know. Any courtesy you
may extend to him will be appreciated by Yrs Jno. Russell Young W. H. Huntington, Esq. Paris, France
During her young days in St. Louis ... Miss Myra
met a riverboat pilot by the name of Samuel L. Clemens (later, the
famous Mark Twain). During the friendship which followed the
riverboat pilot would bring fine foods and gifts to Miss Myra when
he returned from New Orleans. At one time, when Miss Myra was visiting at the
Robbins farm near Point Pleasant [near New Madrid, Missouri, an
area Clemens knew well as a pilot], Clemens tied his boat
up at the Point and sent a beautiful decorated cake which he had the
chef make for Miss Myra. After Miss Myra returned to St. Louis, this
friendship had gotten to the point that Clemens spoke to her father
asking permission to pay court to his daughter. At this James Kenyon
Robbins refused, telling Clemens that he did not approve of river
men. (“Mark Twain Pays Court to Miss Myra Robbins at
Point Pleasant,” New Madrid Weekly
Record, 20 or 21 Oct 1960, 3) (Edwards 1866, 692, 780; St. Louis Census 1870, 345; St. Louis Post-Dispatch: “Died,” 23
Nov 81, 5; “Died,” 7 July 83, 5;
“Deaths,” St. Louis Missouri
Republican, 24 Jan 73, 5; New Madrid
Census, 707; Branch and Hirst, 33–61.)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 54–56; possibly in an unidentified issue of Texas Siftings (see Copy-text); MTLBowen, 15–16.
Provenance:MS was deposited at TxU by Royden Burwell Bowen in 1940. Theodore Hornberger
sent TS to DeVoto in the Mark Twain Papers in 1941, when the archive was at
Harvard (Hornberger to DeVoto, 13 Jan 1941, CU-MARK).
Emendations and textual notes:
Hotel, | New • Hotel, New [The place and date are on one line in TS, too long to have fit on a single line in the MS. They are emended here to follow Clemens’s practice in manuscripts for 1 May 67 to FLC and family, 1 May 67 to Harte, 14 May 67 to Stanton, and 1 June 67 to FLC and family]. (TS)
& • and [also at 54.9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17] (TS)
then— • then---- (TS)
Herbert . . . World (MS) • Herbert, . . . World, (TS)
to-day, & (MS) • today and (TS)
a splendid ship-mate— • a [s]ple[n]d[i] | ship-m[]t[]— [torn]; a splendid shipmate---- (MS,TS)
knows everything (TS) • k[n ] |erything [torn] (MS)
is possible for (TS) • is [p] | for [torn] (MS)
& . . .—& (MS) • and . . .----and (TS)
shan’t (MS) • shant (TS)
very (MS) • very (TS)
World’s (MS) • World’s (TS)
will have (TS) • will | []ve [torn] (MS)
to put him through, & • t[]p[t him] t[h] | & [torn] ; to put him through, and (MS,TS)
Tribune’s & the San • Tribune’s & [] | San [torn] ; Tribune’s and the San (MS,TS)
Alta’s (MS) • Alta’s (TS)
& (MS) • and (TS)
Mrs (MS) • Mrs. (TS)
& (MS) • and (TS)
that (MS) • [not in] (TS)
walking into a furnace, I will do it. I (TS) • wa[]king int[ ] furnace [ | I ill do it] I [torn] (MS)
want to be (TS) • w[ant | ] be [torn] (MS)
remembered to all your (TS) • reme[]bered to | []1 your (MS)
mother’s family & its branches • [m]other’s famil[] | & its branches [torn]; mother’s family and its branches, (MS,TS)
St Louis 3 days & • St Louis 3 day[s] | & [torn]; St. Louis three days and (MS,TS)
me, & • m[] | & [torn] ; me, and (MS,TS)
I could find him, is infamous. • I | [c]o[ul]d f[in]d him, i[s i]-| [a]mo[u]. [torn] ; I could find him, is infamous. (MS,TS)
I’ll recollect the scoundrel. (TS) • I’[l]l re[] | the scoun[d] [torn] (MS)
Miriam? Tell (TS) • Mi[] | Tell [torn] (MS)
dream of her still. (TS) • dream [ ] | still. [torn] (MS)
dream of Mrs. Robbins • drea[ ] | Robbins [torn] ; dream of Mrs. Robbins, (MS,TS)
not so much (TS) • no[ ] | much (MS)
Good bye, my oldest • Good bye, [m ] |est ; Goodbye, my oldest (MS,TS)
Yrs Ever, | Sam Clemens • Yrs Eve[] | Sam Cle[] [torn] ; yours ever, | Sam Clemens (MS,TS)