New York, Feb.
Dear Mollie—
I have tried several times to see your man here, but have not caught him in. His place is three miles from my rooms, & it is like Orion’s thoughtlessness to put business in my hands when he knows I abhor everything in the nature of business & don’t even attend to my own. I will have to get even with him for this, somehow. He could have this all attended to by writing to the man instead of to me. Time presses me mighty hard, here, & you know it destroys a whole day to make only a single visit in New York. However, Judge Dixson stays within 3 blocks of the Bowling-green, & he is going to attend to it for you. He will do it right, too, & I would be apt to do it wrong.1
I am going down to Washington next week, I think, & shall be there a month, no doubt.2
Several newspaper men have called on me & made me good offers—a little above what they pay anybody [else. ] ‸in my line‸—but I have not closed with any of them yet.3 The Californians in town have almost [ p ] induced me to lecture, but I’ll not do it yet. I won’t until I have got my cards [stocked ]to suit me. It is too hazardous a business for a stranger. I am not going to rush headlong in & make a fiasco of the thing when I may possibly make a success of it by going a little slow.
Give a “God bless you” to all my old friends if any still abide in Keokuk, & receive thou my blessing also, my sister.
Yr Bro
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L2, 10–12; MTBus, 90–91, dated “Feb.
Provenance:see McKinney Family Papers, pp. 512–14.
Emendations and textual notes:
else. • [period doubtful]
p • [partly formed]
stocked • [sic]