17 September 1864 • San Francisco, Calif.
(MS facsimile: Mack 1947, facing 256, UCCL 00086)
San F., Sept 17.
Dear Dan—
If you will buy my furniture at $55, I’ll send you a bill of sale, & then you can sell it to somebody who will suit your better as a [bedfellow ]than Dawson.1
If you consent, go to Paxton & Thornburgh, Bankers, & assume a debt I owe them of $55, (provided Harry Blodgett has not already paid it,) & write me word & the bill of sale shall go up by return mail.2 [ T Mr ]Daggett cannot prove that I owe him a cent, & of course he cannot hold my furniture.3
Put. has gone back to Sac. Say, look in Cohen’s notary book, & tell me how much money he has received from the first beginning. His book is open to inspection by anybody. All well. Give our love to old Joe & Dennis.4 I don’t work after 6 in the evening, now on the “Call.” ‸I got disgusted with night work.‸ 5
Yr old friend
Sam L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
bossed the job of furnishing these rooms, and
piled into them several hundred dollars’ worth of
stuff. Mark said that as Goodman had been “so keen to
do the ordering” of the things we’d
“just let him foot the bill.” So, whenever
the furniture man—good old Moses
Goldman—came after us with his bill, we laughed at
him, and referred him to Goodman. But one day old Moses sued us
and we had to square up with him. Mark said we might have known
better than to try such a trick with “a man whose
front name was Moses and whose rear name was
Goldman.” However, we had a huge double bed, piles of
bedding, splendid carpets and fine fittings of all kinds. This,
in comparison with the bunks in which we roosted in an old
tumble-down shed when I first began work on the Enterprise, was quite palatial. Mark and I agreed well as room-mates. Both
wanted to read and smoke about the same length of time after
getting into bed, and when one got hungry and got up to go down
town for oysters the other also became hungry and turned out.
(William Wright 1893,
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L1, 309–311; none known except the copy-text.
Emendations and textual notes:
bedfellow • bed-|fellow
T Mr • [‘M’ over partly formed ‘T’]