29 August 1874 • Elmira, N.Y.
(MS facsimile: Memphis Commercial Appeal, date unknown, UCCL 01121)
Elmira, N. Y. Aug 29.
My Dear Cousin:
My mother has settled this kinship question happily, & I am very glad; for to tell you ‸the‸ plain truth we are running pretty short of kin. Except the Saunders’s, who might as well be in Jericho as Kentucky, for all the comfort they are to us, & a cousin in Texas, who might as well be in Heaven & done with it, I would not know where to rake up a relative for breakfast if I were starving.1 So I am glad enough of th‸is‸ us lucky reinforcement. And you can see that my mother is; I told you she was an enthusiast on genealogy; I wonder she did not discover you before you did her.2
“Livy” is my wife. My mother lives in Fredonia, N.Y., is 71, & pretty strong yet. Now you must send your family photographs, & I’ll rake our tribe together & forward to you. I would now, but the mail waits.
Cordially Yr Cousin
S. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 214–215.
Provenance:When the Commercial Appeal published the letter, it
belonged to Mrs. J. O. Thompson of Aubrey, Lee County, Arkansas (Emma
Parish’s niece). It was reportedly destroyed in 1986 when Mrs.
Thompson died (Thomason, 326).