My Dear Old Joe:
Stop our postman (I would have written him if I had been sure of his name) & tell him somebody keeps carrying my letters to the Courant office. I telegraphed the postmaster the other day, but it didn’t do any good. I suppose he thought I was in a petulant humor—which was not the case.1
Livy doing tolerably well. Little baby has the peculiarity of crying, & Livy sits up till 2 in the morning to marvel at the novelty. We shall institute a change in the [ Nurs ] nurse-department right away. We must have a nurse that has a native faculty for soothing little people. We must have one that breathes ether from her nostrils & oozes chloral hydrate from every pore. We must have one ‸who is‸ worthy to stand in the pulpit.
How about the Beecher Scandal now? If Mr. B. had done this in the first place no doubt it would have been better. And by George it’s Tilton that is on trial, at last!—& before a packed jury. Beecher’s own people say it is Tilton that is on trial. & Bee I like the idea of a man insulting my wife & then I being tried for the heinous offense of complaining about it. But I have no sympathy with Tilton. He began by being a thundering fool & a milksop, & ends by being a hopeless lunatic—& a lunatic of that poor kind that hasn’t even spirit enough to be interesting. Mr. Tilton never has been entitled to any sympathy since the day he heard the news & did not go straight & kill Beecher & then humbly seek forgiveness for displaying so much vivacity.2
Love to you all.
Ys always
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 201–203.
Provenance:Twichell’s papers were passed on to his children. Although CtY
received some items in 1951 from Joseph H. Twichell and Mrs. Charles Ives,
his son and daughter, the main collection was donated in 1967 by Charles P.
Twichell, his grandson.
Emendations and textual notes:
Nurs • [‘u’ miswritten]