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Add to My Citations To James Redpath
28 February 1874 • Hartford, Conn.
(MS: Cornman, UCCL 01057)
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Feb. 28

[ R ] Dr R—

Please secure me a room at the Parker House for Thursday.1

And please let me know right away if I am to talk Friday & what my subject will be.2




[letter docketed:] boston lyceum bureau. james redpath. mar 3 1874

Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary

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1 The Parker House, opposite the city hall at School and Tremont streets in Boston, opened in 1855 and became “a favorite down-town hotel, . . . the leading place down town where people congregate for news and gossip.” It offered “a large private dining-room for banquets, and numerous smaller dining-rooms” and was “renowned for the excellence of its cuisine.” Among its other attractions was “an oyster-counter and bar; and a large billiard-room” (Bacon, advertisement on page G, 353).

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2 Clemens had originally proposed speaking twice in Boston, giving “Roughing It” and possibly his Sandwich Islands lecture (1 Feb 74 to Redpath). Redpath booked him for only a single performance, of “Roughing It,” in Horticultural Hall on the evening of Thursday, 5 March. This was the first time Clemens had given that lecture in Boston (“Lectures This Evening,” Boston Evening Transcript, 5 Mar 74, 1).

glyphglyphSource text(s):glyph
MS facsimile. The editors have not seen the MS, which was owned in 1965 by Charles Cornman, who provided a photocopy to the Mark Twain Papers.

glyphglyphPrevious publication:glyph L6, 58.

glyphglyphProvenance:glyphowned by Stevens S. Sanderson in April 1949.

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R[partly formed]