Langham Hotel
July 16.
Friend Bliss,
We shall issue a copyright edition of the novel here in fine style—three [volumes;] and in order that there shall be no mistakes I wish you would be particular to send sheets and duplicate casts of the pictures by successive steamers always.1 And send these casts and proofs along as fast as you get a signature done. Be sure to write on to Routledge [and] state as nearly as you can the exact day at which you can publish. Routledge will publish on that day or the day before. If you change the date of publication telegraph Routledge.
I told Joquin Miller to write you proposing 7½ per cent for his book.2
Yours Truly,
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
[letter docketed:] [and] Saml Clemens | July 16″ 73 [and] Joaquin Miller | July 16th 1873 | Author
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 416–417; MTLP, 77.
Provenance:The Morse Collection was donated to CtY in 1942 by Walter F. Frear.
Emendations and textual notes:
volumes • [possibly ‘volumses’]
and • and and