per Samuel C. Thompson
11 July 1873 • London, England
(Stenographic draft: CU-MARK, UCCL 00949)
We very [particular] not miss your [Thu] [picnick] party. We should be at Mr. [McDonald’s] on the [16th ].2 And then, as you say, we can [arrage] the date.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Then there was George McDonald and his wife. They
were with us a week. He had the simplicity of true
greatness[.] Any one could sit down and talk to him as
they would to an intimate friend and always find him responsive. His
wife was a sweet gentle refined woman: the mother of eleven
children, the oldest 21, the youngest 5. She looked the embodiment
of a happy wife and mother without a care in the world. It was a
rare treat to listen while he and Mr C. talked—for both
were at their best. (Paff, 10–11)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 414; N&J1, 564, with
Provenance:Thompson’s notebook was purchased by CU-MARK in 1958 from Dawson’s Book Shop (Los
Emendations and textual notes:
July 11th • [longhand]
Smith • [longhand]
particular • par- [longhand] | ticular [shorthand]
Thu • [longhand]
picnick • [longhand]
McDonald’s • [longhand]
16th • [longhand]
arrage • [longhand]
Sincerly Yours • [longhand]