Hartford, June 15.
Friend Howells—
Could you tell me how I could get a copy of your portrait as published in Hearth & Home? I hear so much talk about it as being among the finest works of art which have yet appeared in that journal, that I feel a strong desire to see it. Is it suitable for framing? I have written the publishers of H & H time & again, but they say that the demand for the portrait immediately exhausted the edition & now a copy cannot be had, even for the European demand, which has now begun.1 Bret Harte has been here,2 & says his family would not [bel ] without that portrait for any consideration. He says his children get up in the night & yell for it.3 I would give anything for a copy of that portrait to put up in my parlor. I have Oliver Wendell Holmes’s & Bret Harte’s, as published in Every Saturday,4 & of all the swarms that come every day to gaze upon them, none go away that are not softened & [humbled] & made more resigned to the will of God. If I had yours to put up alongside of them, I believe the combination would bring more souls to earnest reflection, & ultimate conviction of their lost condition, & infallible than any other kind of warning would. Where in the nation can I get that portrait? Here are heaps of people that want it, [ tha ]—that need it. There is my uncle. He wants a copy. He is lying at the point of death. He has been lying at the point of death for two years. He wants a copy—& I want him to have a copy. If it will not And I want you to send a copy to the man that shot my dog. I want to see if he is dead to every human instinct.
Now you send me that portrait. I am sending you mine, in this letter; & am glad to do it, for it has been greatly admired. People who are judges of art, find in the execution a grandeur which has not been equalled in this country, & an expression which has not been approached in any.
Ys Truly
S. L. Clemens.
P. S.—62,000 copies of Roughing It sold & delivered in 4 months.
[enclosure:] 5
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
When Harte had been living in New York two or three months he came to Hartford and stopped over night with us. He said he
was without money, and without a prospect; that he owed the New York butcher and baker two hundred and fifty dollars and
could get no further credit from them; also he was in debt for his rent and his landlord was threatening to turn his little
family into the street. He had come to me to ask for a loan of two hundred and fifty dollars. I said that that would relieve
only the butcher and baker part of the situation, with the landlord still hanging over him; he would better accept five
hundred, which he did. He employed the rest of his visit in delivering himself of sparkling sarcasms about our house, our
furniture, and the rest of our domestic arrangements. (AD, 4 Feb 1907, CU-MARK, in MTE, 273–74) Harte wrote to Clemens on 17 June (CU-MARK), after his
Hartford visit, apparently in response to a letter from Clemens which has not been found: Clemens’s old Quaker City friend Daniel Slote (of Slote, Woodman and
Company of New York City), who sometimes acted as his banker, had evidently given Harte a “cheque” for
the promised loan. “Butterworth” was probably Harte’s importunate butcher: George G.
Butterworth was listed in the 1872 New York directory as a purveyor of game. Harte slightly misquoted a remark of Daniel
Peggotty’s from chapter 63 of David Copperfield. Clemens was serving as an intermediary
between Harte and Elisha Bliss in negotiating a book contract. The “Barmecide” provided the illusory
feast to the beggar in the Arabian Nights (L4, 6 n. 6, 248–49, 397–98 n. 1; George R.
Stewart, 197, 206–7, 209; Duckett, 51,
76–78, 87–89; H. Wilson 1872, 173; see 28 July 72 to Bliss, n. 2).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 102–8; Paine 1917, 781; MTL, 1:194–95; MTHL, 1:11–12; enclosure omitted from all.
Provenance:The MS belonged to lawyer and corporate official Owen D. Young (1874–1962), whose collection NN acquired in about
1940 through purchase and donation.
Emendations and textual notes:
bel • [‘l’ partly formed; possibly ‘t’ or ‘h’]
humbled • hum- | humbled [rewritten for clarity]
tha • [‘a’ partly formed]