Hartford, June 11.
Yes, I know poor Riley’s condition, from his letters to me, & although he has been loath to confess the entire seriousness of his disorder, I felt fully convinced that he would never get over it.1 I shall send him a check for $100 by this mail.2
I have been trying for weeks to get down there to see him, but my family affairs would not permit it. Our eldest child remained precariously sick for more than two months, & finally died a week ago. My wife’s health is such that I can hardly be able to absent myself from home for some time yet.3
Yr friend
Samℓ L. Clemens.
[letter docketed:] 1872. | Sam’l Clemens. | [rule] | Hartford, Conn. | June 11, 1872. | [rule] | As to Mr. Riley [and] Ans June 30/72
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
doubtful whether the information to be received from
Mr J. H Riley the party sent to Africa will on account of his ill
health be sufficient to enable the sd Clemens to write a book on the
subject, or if ‸it‸ is sufficient for that purpose whether
it will be sufficient for him to write a book which he will be
satisfied to put his own nom de plume (Mark Twain) to. ... In case the health of sd Riley should be such as
to render it utterly impossible for the said Clemens to write the
book on the Diamond Fields at all, then he shall be freed from his
agreement to write a book on that subject but shall proceed to
prepare the other book at once—viz the one upon which he
is to appear as author and on which he is to receive 10%
copyright. This new contract, in which Bliss first granted Clemens a
10 percent royalty, may signal an end to their dispute over the
7½ percent royalty on Roughing It. It
was not fulfilled until June 1879, when Clemens and Bliss agreed that
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), for
which no contract had been drawn up, would be used to satisfy the Riley
contract retroactively (8 May 72 to Perkins, n. 2; Hill 1964, 130–32; see
28 July 72 to Bliss, n. 2).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 101–102.
Provenance:The MS was offered for sale in 1960 (De Laney, lot 6), and again in May 1962 by Seven Gables
Bookshop, when the Jacobses purchased it. They deposited their collection at
ODaU in 1984.
Emendations and textual notes:
L • [partly formed; possibly ‘D’ or ‘H’]