. . . .
Since penning the foregoing the “Atlantic” has come to hand with that most thoroughly & entirely satisfactory notice of “Roughing it,”1 [& I am as uplifted & ]reassured by it as a mother who has given birth to a white baby when she was awfully afraid it was going to be a mulatto.2 I have been afraid & shaky all along, but now unless the [N. Y.] “Tribune” gives the book a black eye, I am all right.3
With many [thanks
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
We can fancy the reader of Mr. Clemens’s book finding at
the end of it (and its six hundred pages of fun are none too many)
that, while he has been merely enjoying himself, as he supposes, he
has been surreptitiously acquiring a better idea of the flush times
in Nevada, and of the adventurous life generally of the recent West,
than he could possibly have got elsewhere. The grotesque
exaggeration and broad irony with which the life is described are
conjecturably the truest colors that could have been used, for all
existence there must have looked like an extravagant joke, the humor
of which was only deepened by its nether-side of tragedy. The plan
of the book is very simple indeed, for it is merely the personal
history of Mr. Clemens during a certain number of years, in which he
crossed the Plains in the overland stage to Carson City, to be
private secretary to the Secretary of Nevada; took the silver-mining
fever, and with a friend struck “a blind lead”
worth millions; lost it by failing to comply with the mining laws;
became local reporter to a Virginia City newspaper; went to San
Francisco and suffered extreme poverty in the cause of abstract
literature and elegant leisure; was sent to the Sandwich Islands as
newspaper correspondent; returned to California, and began lecturing
and that career of humorist, which we should all be sorry to have
ended. The “moral” which the author draws from
the whole is: “If you are of any account, stay at home
and make your way by faithful diligence; but if you are of
‘no account,’ go away from home, and then you
will have to work, whether you want to or
not.” A thousand anecdotes, relevant and irrelevant, embroider the work;
excursions and digressions of all kinds are the very woof of it, as
it were; everything far-fetched or near at hand is interwoven, and
yet the complex is a sort of “harmony of
colors” which is not less than triumphant. The
stage-drivers and desperadoes of the Plains; the Mormons and their
city; the capital of Nevada, and its government and people; the
mines and miners; the social, speculative, and financial life of
Virginia City; the climate and characteristics of San Francisco; the
amusing and startling traits of Sandwich Island
civilization,—appear in kaleidoscopic succession.
Probably an encyclopædia could not be constructed from
the book; the work of a human being, it is not unbrokenly nor
infallibly funny; nor is it to be always praised for all the
literary virtues; but it is singularly entertaining, and its humor
is always amiable, manly, generous. (Howells 1872)
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 95–96; MTHL, 1:10–11 (misdated June 1872).
Provenance:The MS presumably belonged at one time to journalist and lawyer Alexander
Meyrick Broadley (1847–1916).
Emendations and textual notes:
& ... & • and ... and [here and hereafter]
N. Y. • N. of
thanks | Twain • thanks [extra space] Twain