Home, 26th
. . . .
Oh, no, they couldn’t afford more than [$150,] so we’ve done ’em a charitable good deed. The statements in this notice were made to me on the platform at the close of the lecture, by the President of the Mercantile Library Asso’n, while trying to have me repeat the lecture;1 [and] as Col. John Hay was the only other person listening, he necessarily wrote this notice & besides he is the only man in New York who can speak so [authoritatively] about “the true Pike accent.”2 I outdrew Dickinson & Gough everywhere3
. . . .
MARK TWAIN AT STEINWAY HALL. If there are those who fondly think that the popularity of the American humoristic school is on the decline, they would have been bravely undeceived by a visit to Steinway Hall last night. The most enormous audience ever collected at any lecture in New-York came together to listen to “Mark Twain’s” talk on “Roughing it.” Before the doors were opened $1,300 worth of tickets had been sold, and for some time before Mr. Clemens appeared the house was crammed in every part by an audience of over 2,000. A large number were turned away from the door, and after the close of the evening’s entertainment the officers of the Library Association warmly urged Mr. Clemens to repeat his lecture for the benefit of those who were disappointed. It was not only financially that the lecture was successful. There was never seen in New-York an audience so obstinately determined to be amused. There was hardly a minute of silence during the hour. Peals of laughter followed every phrase, the solemn asseverations of the lecturer that his object was purely instructive and the investigation of the truth increasing the merriment. At several points of the lecture, especially the description of Mr. Twain’s Mexican Plug, the Chamois of Nevada, and the Washoe Duel, the enjoyment of the audience was intemperate.4 A singular force and effectiveness was added to the discourse by the inimitable drawl and portentous gravity of the speaker. He is the finest living delineator of the true Pike accent, and his hesitating stammer on the eve of critical passages is always a prophecy—and hence, perhaps, a cause—of a burst of laughter and applause. He is a true humorist, endowed with that indefinable power to make men laugh which is worth, in current funds, more than the highest genius or the greatest learning. |
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
The New York Mercantile Library Association got up a
“good old-fashioned” course that was perfectly
saturated with morals & instruction, & at the
end of it came out wise & holy, but—in debt. I
went there with my “degrading influence,”
& with a single stalwart effort cleared off the debt
& left twelve or fifteen hundred dollars in the
committee’s coffers. (SLC 1872 [MT01079],
11–12, first inscription, all revisions here
suppressed) The association’s annual report stated that the lectures
“were in the main well attended, and one of them (that by Mr.
Clemens) attracted one of the largest audiences ever assembled at a
lecture in New York City. The net proceeds of the lectures,
$816.31, . . . were used in the purchase of books”
(Mercantile Library, 15, “Officers . . . for
1871–72”; Redpath and Fall, 1–14).
It’s the noblest hunting ground on
earth. You can hunt there a year and never find
anything—except mountain sheep; but you
can’t get near enough to them to shoot one. You can
see plenty of them with a spyglass. Of course you
can’t shoot mountain sheep with a spyglass. It is our
American Shamwah (I believe that is the way that word is
pronounced—I don’t know), with enormous
horns, inhabiting the roughest mountain fastnesses, so
exceedingly wild that it is impossible to get within rifleshot
of it. (Lorch, 313) The “Washoe Duel” was also left out of the
book, but Clemens reprised it in “How I Escaped Being
Killed in a Duel,” published in England in December 1872
(SLC 1872 [MT01062];
11 Sept 72 to OLC, n. 10).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 33–36.
Provenance:When offered for sale in 1924 the MS was part of the collection of
businessman William F. Gable (1856–1921).
Emendations and textual notes:
$150, • $150.
and • [possibly ‘&’ in the original MS, but not emended here because the transcriber of this and several other Clemens letters in the catalog, while not completely literal or error free, was demonstrably careful to preserve both ‘and’ and ‘&’ even when both occurred in the same letter, as they presumably did in this one: see ‘&’ at 33.8 and 33.9]
authoritatively • authoratively
Mark • Mark,