23 April 1874 • Elmira, N.Y.
(Paraphrase: MEC to SLC, 25 Apr 74, CU-MARK, UCCL 12005)
Your [words] were truth & wisdom when [you] said one could not afford to use up their lifes blood for no more than Orion is doing or getting [now,] no matter how agreeable it may be at the present.1
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
On a page of “Payments, principal & interest” that she prepared around this time
and submitted to Clemens (he labeled it “The Stotts purchase”), Mollie calculated that she and Orion could
complete the purchase by 1 November 1878, paying a total, with interest, of $2,805 to William Stotts and Ann E. Stotts
Riffley, her father and sister (10 May 74 to Howells, n.
3). She described the farm in a letter to Jane Clemens (25? Apr 74), who opposed the purchase: (Mollie’s mother, Mary Patterson [Polly] Stotts, had died in 1869.) On 25 April,
the day she received this letter to Orion, Mollie replied. Her embedded quotation of Clemens’s words is the sole source
for the text of the letter to Orion: Orion wrote his own reply to Clemens’s letter of 23 April, in which he too declined the offer of a
pension, but he also confirmed that his current “dreaming” only reluctantly included the Keokuk farm (CU-MARK): Two days later, however, Orion took a more positive view: Orion had turned down the “place near Hartford” in favor of Rutland, Vermont, where he lived
for a short time in mid-1873 while editing the Rutland Globe (see L5, 241 n. 1, 363 n. 1). No further correspondence concerning the farm purchase survives until Clemens’s letters of
10 May 74 to JLC and 10 May 74 to OC.
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 110–114.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
words • words ,
you • we you
now, • now.,