Saturday P.M.
Friend Bliss:
I forgot half of my errand today. I wanted to show you h House’s printed MS & talk about it. I enclose it now. Take care of it. He writes as if he had made his entire book only a military report upon that small & entirely uninteresting [riot] out there which the Gr Japan‸ese‸ ies have an idea was a “War.” If that proves to be the case it won’t sell as many copies as Webb’s book, I am afraid. I have written him that you will fulfill your contract & publish it if he says so, but that no one in this country will be likely to either buy or read an account of that war. I suggested that he write the sort of book I once mapped out for him. Don’t write House without first talking with me. I As soon as you get a chance, drop in on me.1
Perhaps you’d better keep Gill’s letter for future reference. That “whirligig of time” will bring round another revenge by & by I suspect.2
[letter docketed:] Sam’l Clemens | Apr. 10 ″75
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L6, 444–445.
Provenance:The MS was laid in a copy of the first volume of The
Innocents Abroad, volume 1 of the Royal Edition of the Writings of
Mark Twain (American Publishing Company, 1899–1907), donated in
July 1996 by Mrs. David Potter.
Emendations and textual notes:
riot • riot riot [corrected miswriting]