Dear Mrs MacDonald,
Ou We concluded to take a drive for an hour with the baby—that is how we came to be here after saying we couldn’t come.1
Ys Truly
The Clemens family
Explanatory Notes
My dear Mrs Clemmans I am so sorry we cannot have the pleasure of
seeing you today—as we shall be going to Hastings on
Tuesday, but as you are going to Paris we do not lose you that way
only but I write now to beg you to come to us at
Hastings on your way back just for a day or two— You
could so easily come from Dover to Hastings it isn’t much
round to come that way back to London, and we could give you two
rooms one for your nurse & a lot of young misses will be
delighted to have a visit from that lovely little Princess that we saw just once—only once! we
must see her again— Telegraph from Dover when you come
& we will be in readiness for you— I know
you’d like Hastings. (29 Sept 73, CU-MARK) Since 1871 the MacDonalds had leased Halloway House, a
brick house on Old London Road in Hastings, as a second home (MacDonald, 101, 561; Weinreb and Hibbert, 353; Raeper, 234–35,
270–71, 333, 335).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 444–445.
Provenance:deposited at ViU by Clifton Waller Barrett on 17 December 1963.