Home, Monday
Dear Sister & Bro:
Your letters received today—am very glad indeed for the news they brought. We finished revamping & refining the book tonight—ten days’ labor. F It is near midnight & we are just through.
I like Orion’s editorials. I like their gentlemanly dignity & refinement as much as their other virtues.1 The English papers2 will soon stop I fear—I subscribed till [May ]1st. Will subscribe for one for Orion when I get to London if I don’t forget it.
Am very sorry to hear Ma is sick. Livy is down. In Elmira. [Quinzy]. Very bad attack of it. Just heard it to-day.3 The baby is well.
Orion Clemens Esq | Bardwell House | Rutland | [Vermont ] [return address:] if not delivered within 10 days, to be returned to [postmarked:] hartford [ct. may 6 1 pm]
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
A new Republican daily was to be started in
Rutland, Vermont, by a stock company of well-to-do politicians, and
they offered Orion the chief editorship at three thousand a year. He
was eager to accept. His wife was equally eager—no, twice
as eager, three times as eager. My beseechings and reasonings went
for nothing. I said: “You are as weak as water. Those
people will find it out right away. They will easily see that you
have no backbone; that they can deal with you as they would deal
with a slave. You may last six months, but not longer. Then they
will not dismiss you as they would dismiss a gentleman: they will
fling you out as they would fling out an intruding
tramp.” It happened just so. (AD, 5 Apr 1906, CU-MARK, in MTA, 2:323) By late July Orion was already negotiating for a
different position, this time on the Oil City (Pa.) Derrick (“Personal,” Buffalo Courier, 18 Apr 73, 1; Gregory, 692; OC to MEC,
21 July 73 and 22 July 73, CU-MARK).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 362–364.
Provenance:see Mark Twain Papers in Description of Provenance.
Emendations and textual notes:
May • [possibly ‘J May’; ‘J’ partly formed]
Quinzy • [sic]
Vermont • Verm[] [torn]
ct. may 6 1 pm • [ct]. [my] 6 [1 p] m [badly inked]