Hartford, Dec. 17.
My Dear Nast—
I thank you heartily for your kindness to me & to my friend [Charley.1
The ] Almanac has come,2 & I have enjoyed those pictures with [ m ] all my soul & body. Perkins’s plagiarism of Doestick’s celebrated Niagara drunk is tolerable—that is, for a man to write whose proper place is in an asylum for [idiots. Pity ] that I should say it who am his personal [acquaintance ].3
“Your “Mexico” is a fifty-years’ history of that retrograding chaos of a country portrayed upon the [ p ]space of one’s thumb-nail, so to speak; & that sphynx in “Egypt” charms me—I wish I could draw that old head in that way.4
I wish you could go to England with us in May. Surely you could never regret it. I do hope my publishers can make it pay you to illustrate my English book. Then I should have good pictures. They’ve got to improve on “Roughing It.”5
Ys Ever
Samℓ L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Despite seventeen-year-old Charles Fairbanks’s early ambitions of becoming an artist, after finishing
his schooling he began a career in journalism on his father’s Cleveland Herald. His introduction to
Nast nevertheless developed into a lifelong friendship. He became to some extent Nast’s protégé,
lived with him for a time, collaborated with him in 1892–93 on the short-lived Nast’s
Weekly (Fairbanks supplying the text, Nast the pictures), and named his second son, born in 1879, after him (Paine 1904, 263, 510, 539–40; “Charles M. Fairbanks,
Newspaper Man, Dies,” New York Times, 30 May 1924, 15; Fairbanks, 755).
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 251–53; Paine 1904, 263, excerpts, text rearranged
somewhat; Merwin-Clayton, lot 244, brief quote; “For Twain Letter, $43,” New York Tribune, 3 Apr 1906, 7, brief excerpt; Christie 1992, lot 164.
Provenance:The MS was among the papers and drawings from Nast’s estate sold in April 1906 (Merwin-Clayton). In 1992 Jean Thompson
discovered the MS laid in an unidentified volume in an edition of Mark Twain’s works, purchased at auction for one dollar;
she resold it in November 1992 (Christie 1992, lot 164).
Emendations and textual notes:
Charley. [¶ The] • Charley.—| [¶ The]
m • [partly formed]
idiots. Pity • idiots. |Pity
acquaintance • acquantintance
p • [partly formed]