The Langham, Oct. 6.
My Dear Sir:
It is with sincere regret that I lose the opportunity of going with you to Stratford & enjoying the hospitality of Mr. Flower, s, so kindly [offered]; but one engagement is piled on top of another to that degree that I find myself in inextricable fetters for some weeks to come—not a day clear., that I can see from this till the hour I expect to sail. I have delayed answering your note, in the hope that I might manage to shake myself free in some way, but without avail. I hope you will thank Mr. Flower heartily for me, & in return may your Stratford sojourn be as pleasant as I know that mine would have been.1
Ys faithfully
Samℓ. L. Clemens.
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L5, 195–196.
Provenance:The Conway Papers were acquired by NNC sometime after Conway’s
death in 1907.
Emendations and textual notes:
offered • offerded