The “Hooker Place”
‸Forest street‸
Hartford Oct 9.
Send along the first end of my list & s let me see where I am to talk.1 Please send a copy to my publisher, E. Bliss Jr. 149 Asylum st Hartford—for I must read proof for the next month or so.2
I lef leave for good, next Friday.3
We are settled here.
[letter docketed:] Conn “Twain Mark” | Hartford Conn | Oct. 9th ”71. [and] G. L. F.4
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 466–467; Anderson Auction Company 1903, lot 123, brief paraphrase.
Provenance:donated to CtHMTH in 1984 by Cyril Clemens.
Emendations and textual notes:
Red— Redpath • Red—path