Elmira, June 15, 1871.
Dear Redpath:
1. Bully for Fall. I offer my hearty congratulations.1
2. I use no notes in lecturing, & so I don’t dare to try to use more than one lecture during a season. I shall carry the MSS. of another lecture, along, for safety, [&] shall discard the new one altogether if, after a few trials, it is not a success.2
3. The idea of a woman reading a humorous lecture is perhaps the ghastliest conception to which the human mind has yet given birth. It is the most depressing thought that has intruded itself upon me for many moons. Why, Redpath, the thing is wholly out of the question. I question if the woman ever lived who could read a densely humorous passage as it should be read. Tenderness, pathos, tragedy—the earnest, the beautiful, the majestic—all these they can & do succeed in, but they fail in humor, except in the sparkling, vivacious kind—high & brilliant comedy. They appreciate & enjoy my sort (you know I rely for my effects chiefly on a simulated unconsciousness & intense absurdities), but they cannot render them effectively on the platform. But I could take a man home with me & drill him a week (or at any rate 2 weeks), & send him out competent to deliver the lecture the way I wanted it delivered—& I wouldn’t let anybody deliver a lecture written by me unless he would deliver it in my way or else show me a better. Now if I had a he comedian (I know at least 2 on the stage who certainly don’t get $250 a month for slaving their lives away, & who could deliver a lecture of mine without any instruction at all), then we would talk. No, we couldn’t talk, either, because he would have that ten per cent idea, too, & I would have to get him to pay me forty. I could send such a man into the lecture field (he can’t get there without an excuse, & a lecture with my name to it would furnish him that,) & he would make $2000, or $3000 in five months (& have an easy, gentlemanly time), & so would I—& you’d get your ten percent.3
4. However, as I can’t lay my hand on such a comedian nearer than Buffalo, I will e’en cease to lust after him, & continue in my plans about my own lecturing tour.4
You’ll have to excuse my lengthiness—the reason I dread writing letters is because I am so apt to get to slinging wisdom & forget to let up. Thus much precious time is lost.
Yours ever,
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 408–409; “Letters to James
Redpath,” Mark Twain Quarterly 5
(Winter–Spring 1942): 21 (derives from Horner).
Emendations and textual notes:
& • and [also at 408.6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 (twice), 20, 24; 409.1, 3, 4 (twice), 5 (twice), 8, 11]
Mark • Mark