Buf., 2 3d.
Dear J H—
I tell you it is [ perfectly ] magnificent!——rich, delicious, me fascinating, brim full of meat.—the humor is transcends anything I have seen in print or heard from a stage this many a day.—& every page glitters like a cluster-pin with many-sided gems of [fancy—Warner’s ]book I mean—it is [splendid.1 But] I haven’t dressed yet—the barber is waiting to shave me, Livy & the rest of the family2 are clamoring for breakfast & it does seem that a body can’t sit down in his shirt-tail to drop a friendly line to a friend without all the elements “going for” him.
All well here. Hope same to you & yrs. Happy N. Y.r & all that.
Gd bye—
Explanatory Notes | Textual Commentary
Source text(s):
Previous publication:
L4, 294; Parke-Bernet 1945, lot 90, excerpt.
Provenance:In or after 1945, the MS was acquired by Mrs. Craven’s father,
Sidney L. Krauss.
Emendations and textual notes:
perfectly • [false ascenders/descenders]
fancy—Warner’s • fancy—|—Warner’s
splendid. But • splendid.—|But